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Search in Graphs

Recall the pseudocode for Depth-First Search:

Given a graph, a start node, and a node we're looking for:

  • starting at the start node, while unvisited nodes remain
    • if current vertex $v$ is the node we're looking for, return it
    • mark $v$ as visited
    • for each edge $(v,w)$
      • recursively process $w$ unless marked visited

Implement the algorithm. You can choose any of the data structures we covered (adjacency matrix or adjacency list) for the implementation. Your function should return the list of nodes on the path from the start to the target (not the list of nodes that you looked at during the search). If start and target are the same, it should return a list with only that node. If there is no path from the start to the target, it should return an empty list. Start with the template I provided in code.js and test your new function.

I have not provided any test code, but you can base yours on test code from other exercises. Your tests must check the correctness of the result of running the function and run automatically when you commit through a GitHub action.

Runtime Analysis

What is the worst-case big $\Theta$ complexity of your implementation? Add your answer, including your reasoning, to this markdown file.


Implement and analyze breadth-first search.