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Path Tracer Episode II: Attack of the Rays

University of Pennsylvania, CIS 561: Advanced Computer Graphics, Homework 4


You will implement a naïve Monte Carlo path tracer by writing functions to generate random ray samples within a hemisphere so that you can compute the lighting a surface intersection receives. The images your path tracer produces will be rather grainy in appearance, but in future assignments we will implement ray sampling functions that will help combat this. For now, the most important part of this assignment is reading through the base code and understanding how all of the path tracer's components work together to produce an image.

Useful Reading

Once again, you will find the textbook will be very helpful when implementing this homework assignment. We recommend referring to the following chapters:

  • 8.1: Basic Reflection Interface
  • 8.3: Lambertian Reflection
  • 9.1: BSDF
  • 9.2: Material and Interface Implementations
  • 5.4: Radiometry

The Light Transport Equation

Lo(p, ωo) = Le(p, ωo) + ∫S f(p, ωo, ωi) Li(p, ωi) V(p', p) |dot(ωi, N)| dωi

  • Lo is the light that exits point p along ray ωo.
  • Le is the light inherently emitted by the surface at point p along ray ωo.
  • S is the integral over the sphere of ray directions from which light can reach point p. ωo and ωi are within this domain. In general, we tend to only care about one half of this sphere, determining the relevant half based on the reflectance or transmittance of the BSDF.
  • f is the Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function of the material at point p, which evaluates the proportion of energy received from ωi at point p that is reflected along ωo.
  • Li is the light energy that reaches point p from the ray ωi. This is the recursive term of the LTE.
  • V is a simple visibility test that determines if the surface point p' from which ωi originates is visible to p. It returns 1 if there is no obstruction, and 0 is there is something between p and p'. This is really only included in the LTE when one generates ωi by randomly choosing a point of origin in the scene rather than generating a ray and finding its intersection with the scene.
  • The absolute-value dot product term accounts for Lambert's Law of Cosines.

Code Style Notes

Many of the functions with which we have provided you "return" multiple values by way of altering variables that are function inputs. For consistency, we only use references to save stack space when passing variables into functions; they are always const. On the other hand, if a function contains a pointer to some variable, then the function is expected to alter the value of the variable passed by pointer, assuming the pointer is not null.

We have also defined several type aliases in globals.h to make the provided code more human-readable. For example, rather than declaring glm::vec3s to represent points, directions, and normals all together, we have provided the Point3f, Vector3f, and Normal3f types to use in your code. When compiled, they simply become glm::vec3s, and can be used exactly the same way, but they make the code a little easier to interpret for a human. There are additional types defined in globals.h along with some utility functions and constant float values (e.g. π / 2), so we highly recommend you look at this file before writing any code.

WarpFunctions Implementations

Copy your implementation of warpfunctions.cpp into the base code we've provided. You may have to change some of the constants you used in homework 3, such as M_PI to Pi. Refer to globals.h for more information.

Shape::ComputeTBN (5 points)

We have provided you with implementations of the function Shape::Intersect, which computes the intersection of a ray with some surface, such as a sphere or square plane. Each of the classes that inherits from Shape invokes ComputeTBN, a function that computes the world-space geometric surface normal, tangent, and bitangent at the given point of intersection. However, in the code we have provided, this function only computes the world-space geometric surface normal. For every ComputeTBN, you must add code that computes the world-space tangent and bitangent. Note that unlike transforming a surface normal, transforming a tangent vector from object space into world space does not use the inverse transpose of the object's model matrix, but rather just its model matrix. If you consider transforming any plane from one space to another space, you can see that any vector within the plane (i.e. a tangent vector) must be transformed by the matrix used to transform the whole plane.

You might be wondering why these additional vectors are needed in the first place; it's because we'll need them to create matrices that transform the rays ωo and ωi from world space into tangent space and back when evaluating BSDFs. By tangent space, we mean a coordinate system in which the surface normal at the point of intersection is treated as (0, 0, 1) and a tangent and bitangent at the intersection are treated as (1, 0, 0) and (0, 1, 0) respectively. These matrices are analogous to the orientation component of a camera's View matrix and its inverse.

Primitive Class

The path tracer base code uses a class called Primitive to encapsulate geometry attributes such as shape, material, and light source. Primitives can intersect with rays, and they can generate BSDFs for Intersections based on the Material attached to the Primitive. They can also return the light emitted by the AreaLight attached to them, if one exists. Primitives hold the following data:

  • A pointer to a Shape describing the geometric surface of this Primitive
  • A pointer to a Material describing the light scattering properties of this Primitive
  • A pointer to an AreaLight describing the energy emitted by the surface of the Shape held by this Primitive.

BSDF Class (30 points)

In scene/materials/bsdf.h, you will find the declaration of a BSDF class. This class represents a generic Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function, and is designed to hold a collection of several BxDFs, which represent specific scattering functions. For example, a Lambertian BRDF or a Specular Transmission BTDF would be defined by classes that inherit from BxDF. When a BSDF is asked to evaluate itself (i.e. invoke the f component of the Light Transport Equation), it evaluates the f of all the BxDFs it contains. You must implement the following functions for the BxDF class:

  • f(const Vector3f &woW, const Vector3f &wiW, BxDFType flags)
  • Sample_f(const Vector3f &woW, Vector3f *wiW, const Point2f &xi, float *pdf, BxDFType type, BxDFType *sampledType)
  • Pdf(const Vector3f &woW, const Vector3f &wiW, BxDFType flags)
  • The portion of the BSDF constructor's initialization list that instantiates its worldToTangent and tangentToWorld matrices, which are composed of the input Intersection's tangent, bitangent, and normalGeometric. The worldToTangent matrix has these vectors as its rows, and the tangentToWorld has them as its columns (in the order listed, so it would be tangent, then bitangent, then normal). Remember that the constructor for a GLM matrix uses the input vectors as the columns of the resultant matrix.

We have provided comments above each of these functions in bsdf.h which describe what these functions are supposed to do. Please make sure you read these comments carefully before you begin implementing these functions.

BxDF Class (15 points)

You will find the declaration of the BxDF class in scene/materials/bsdf.h. As explained previously, BxDF is an abstract class used to evaluate the result of a specific kind of BSDF, such as Lambertian reflection or specular transmission. You must implement the Sample_f and Pdf functions of this class so that the former randomly generates a ray direction wi from a uniform distribution within the hemisphere and that the latter computes the PDF of this distribution. Note that Sample_f also returns the result of invoking f on the input wo and the generated wi, but f will be defined by specific subclasses of BxDF.

LambertBRDF Class (15 points)

In scene/materials/lambertbrdf.h you will find the declaration of a class LambertBRDF, which will be used to evaluate the scattering of energy by perfectly Lambertian surfaces. For this class, you must implement the f, Sample_f, and Pdf functions. Unlike the generic BxDF class, the LambertBRDF class will generate cosine-weighted samples within the hemisphere in its Sample_f and will return the PDF associated with this distribution in Pdf. Most importantly, f must return the proportion of energy from wi that is reflected along wo for a Lambertian surface. This proportion will include the energy scattering coefficient of the BRDF, R.

MatteMaterial Class

We have provided one class that inherits from the abstrace base class Material, MatteMaterial. This class describes a material with diffuse reflectance properties similar to those of, say, matte paint. This class implements a function called ProduceBSDF, which is invoked via the Primitive class during its Intersect function to assign a BSDF to the Intersection generated by this Intersect function. ProduceBSDF looks at the texture and normal maps of the MatteMaterial and combines them with the base reflectance color and sigma term of the material to produce either an Oren-Nayar BRDF (for extra credit if you choose) or a Lambertian BRDF, as described above.

Integrator Class

We have provided you with the abstract class Integrator in integrators/integrator.h. This class is analogous to the RenderTask class you wrote for your ray tracer. It has a function Render which iterates over all of the pixels in this Integrator's image tile and generates a collection of samples within a pixel, then ray casts through each and evaluates the energy that is emitted from the scene back to the camera's pixel. This function invokes another function Li to evaluate this energy, but the base Integrator class provides no implementation.

NaiveIntegrator class (25 points)

You will implement the body of the NaiveIntegrator class's Li function, which recursively evaluates the energy emitted from the scene along some ray back to the camera. This function must find the intersection of the input ray with the scene and evaluate the result of the light transport equation at the point of intersection. Below is a list of functions you will find useful while implementing Li:

  • Scene::Intersect
  • Intersection::Le
  • Intersection::ProduceBSDF
  • Intersection::SpawnRay
  • BSDF::Sample_f

Note that if Li is invoked with a depth value of 0 or if the intersection with the scene hits an object with no Material attached, then Li should only evaluate and return the light emitted directly from the intersection.

DiffuseAreaLight Class (10 points)

You will find this class under scene/lights/diffusearealight.h, and it represents an area light that emits its energy equally in all directions from its surface. For this class, you must implement one function, L, which returns the light emitted from a point on the light's surface along a direction w, which is leaving the surface. This function is invoked in Intersection::Le, which returns the light emitted by a point of intersection on a surface.

OpenGL Preview Window

As with your ray tracer, we have provided you with an OpenGL preview window. Unlike with the ray tracer, the colors assigned to objects in this preview are not correlated with their material colors, due to the way Materials are designed in the path tracer. Every time you preview a scene, its shapes will be colored randomly.

Example Renders

When you ask your program to render an image, it may slow down the other processes of your computer since Qt will try to use all available CPU cores. The program will play a short jingle when it has completed a render so you can go browse Facebook or read internet news articles (or maybe even the textbook!?) while you wait. Expect the renders to take much longer than those of your ray tracer, seeing as you are evaluating hundreds of rays per pixel rather than just one.

You may click and drag on the GL preview screen to select a portion of it to render, rather than rendering the entire image.

We recommend first testing your implementation of IntegratorL:Li with only a single ray recursion; this effectively computes only the direct lighting that each visible point in the scene reflects back to the camera. You can alter the number of ray recursions by adjusting the input to Li, which is invoked in Integrator::Render. If you render the provided scene with one recursion, 100 samples per pixel (the default value), and cosine-weighted sampling, you should receive the following render (note that there is a pale yellow light just offscreen to the left):

If you increase your recursion depth limit to 5, you should see the effects of global illumination: light bouncing off surfaces onto other surfaces to add some additional color, as light does in reality. You should produce this render:

Progressive rendering and render region

We also have added functionality to progressively render scenes based on the regions you select. By default, if you hit render, you would see the OpenGL preview change to the render of the scene.

The preview scene will show up if you move your camera and then set it to render.

The render region works with the progressive renderer, similar to what exists in Maya.

Click and drag region in the GL preview and hit render.

Debugging with breakpoints

We have set comments in the base code showing where you can uncomment some code to more easily debug your program using breakpoints. First, you will have to disable multithreaded rendering of your scene by commenting out a #define in MyGL::RenderScene, and if you wish to debug specific pixels you will have to uncomment some example code in MyGL::RenderScene and Integrator::Render.

Extra credit (30 points maximum)

In addition to the features listed below, you may choose to implement any feature you can think of as extra credit, provided you propose the idea to the course staff through Piazza first.

Oren-Nayar BRDF (5 points)

Implement a class OrenNayarBRDF which inherits from the BxDF class and implements Oren-Nayar diffuse reflection as described in the textbook. You will also have to add code to MatteMaterial::ProduceBSDF so that it adds this BxDF to the BSDF it generates when the material's sigma term is greater than zero. To test your implementation, modify the code in Scene::CreateTestScene so that the sigma value of at least one of the MatteMaterials is nonzero. You will just need to implement this BRDF's f function, since its Sample_f and Pdf are identical to those of the LambertBRDF class.

Lambertian Transmission BTDF (5 points)

Implement a class LambertBTDF which inherits from the BxDF class and implements a Lambertian transmission model. This is virtually identical to a Lambertian reflection model, but the hemisphere in which rays are sampled is on the other side of the surface normal compared to the hemisphere of Lambertian reflection.

Submitting your project

Along with your project code, make sure that you fill out this file with your name and PennKey, along with your test renders. You should include renders using uniform hemisphere sampling, cosine weighted hemisphere sampling, one recursion, and five recursions. If you have time, you should try rendering your image using thousands of samples per pixel rather than hundreds so that you have an image result that is much smoother in appearance.

Rather than uploading a zip file to Canvas, you will simply submit a link to the committed version of your code you wish us to grade. If you click on the Commits tab of your repository on Github, you will be brought to a list of commits you've made. Simply click on the one you wish for us to grade, then copy and paste the URL of the page into the Canvas submission form.


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