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View Planning Library

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT)

Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE).

Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (IPN-CIDETEC).

VPL(The acronym of view planning library) provides a platform to develop view planning algorithms and perform comparisons quickly. VPL is written in C++ and it is based on a set of well known libraries: octomap and MRPT. VPL provides the data structures to represent the space, provides visibility algorithms, implements several view planning algorithms reported in the literature and provides flexibility to link with range sensor simulators and motion planning algorithms. VPL was developed by J. Irving Vasquez-Gomez under New BSD license.

VPL is composed of two main modules: PartialModel and ViewPlanning. PartialModel stores the information about object that is being reconstructed and provides a set of functions to handle visibility for next best view calculation. ViewPlanning provides planning algorithms to achieve an automated reconstruction. Additional modules are included but they can be ommited during compilation: rangesimulator and nbvs planning.

VPL Examples

More information is in our VPL paper currently under development.

If your are using VPL in an academy work please cite (so far):

Vasquez-Gomez, J. I., Sucar, L. E., & Murrieta-Cid, R. (2017). View/state planning for three-dimensional object reconstruction under uncertainty. Autonomous Robots, 41(1), 89-109.

  title={View/state planning for three-dimensional object reconstruction under uncertainty},
  author={Vasquez-Gomez, J Irving and Sucar, L Enrique and Murrieta-Cid, Rafael},
  journal={Autonomous Robots},

If you are having troubles with VPL, please drop me a mail: VPL Examples


Before installing VPL you need to install the following libraries:

  • boost
  sudo apt get install libboost-all-dev
git clone
  • MRPT I installed it from Ubuntu PPA


  1. Download and install octomap and MRPT. MRPT was installed from source not PPA
  2. Clone this repo to your machine
git clone
  1. Configure the CMakeLists.txt at top file

  2. Compile the library. Move to the VPL top folder and run:

mkdir build
cd build 
cmake ..

Full VPL installation

we recommend that VPL will be installed in the same folder that the required libraries:

  • octomap-devel

To compile the library move to the VPL top folder and run:

cd VPL
mkdir build
cd build    
cmake ..

Note:if you are using your custom folder hierarchy you should modify the CMakeLists.txt in order to match the folders


View planning library







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  • C++ 97.6%
  • CMake 2.4%