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SUMMA v3.2.0

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@wknoben wknoben released this 08 Jul 18:54
· 17 commits to master since this release

SUMMA Version 3.2.0

Major changes

  • Addition to compute wall clock time for each HRU and time step
  • Fixes a bug that incorrectly writes scalarTotalET and scalarNetRadiation to output in cases where canopy calculations are skipped
  • Added case_study folder and Reynolds Mountain East albedo decay experiment
  • Fixes a bug where restart files are not read correctly in cases with the parallelization argument -g for setups that have >1 HRU per GRU

Minor changes

  • Fixes a bug where solar angle incorrectly gets set to 0 during polar days
  • Canopy ice content check in check_icond.f90 now generates a warning if ice > 0 for T > 0 instead of a graceful exit. Graceful exit still exists if ice > 1E-3.
  • Add deflate (compression level) option to outputControl file -- default level is 4 if not specified
  • Fixes an unnecessary rounding error on SAI and LAI values in PHENOLOGY routine
  • Fixes a bug where the SUMMA version is incorrectly reported by "summa.exe -v"
  • Fixes a bug that incorrectly writes scalarRainPlusMelt to output in cases where snow layers do not exist
  • Changed part "(a,1x,i0)" to "(a,1x,i0,a,f5.3,a,f5.3)" in check_icond.f90 line 277 to print out error correctly.
  • Adds scalarSnowDrainage variable when melting of the snow without a layer
  • Changes the logic for creating the first snow layer: instead of creating the layer when snow-without-a-layer exceeds the maximum depth of the 1st layer, the first layer is now created if snow-without-a-layer exceeds the average of specified 1st layer minimum and maximum depth (zminLayer1 and zmaxLayer1_lower in localParamInfo.txt)
  • Added documentation of lookup table provenance