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Nature's Classroom Institute Website & Portal Overview

NCI's website and EE portal software are one in the same. They are both part of the same codebase. The software stack that they are written with are as follows:

  • Docker - To run a local development instance
  • PostgreSQL - Database, this is where all data is stored
  • Django - This is the 'backend' software, running on the server
  • React - This is the 'frontend' software--what people see.
  • GraphQL - We use this to transfer data to and from the backend <-> frontend
  • LESSCSS - We use this to keep CSS styling definitions small and readable

Currently, the system runs on AWS, or 'Amazon Web Services' using the following services:

  • EC2 - This is what runs our 'server'
  • CloudWatch - This is what monitors our system resources / reports any warnings
  • CloudFront - This is our CDN to serve files quickly
  • S3 - File storage for documents, images, etc.
  • Route 53 - DNS hosting

The projects technical name is 'djnci'. This is just a naming convention to help show that it's a 'django' project. If you see the name 'djnci' referenced this typically means the project folder and the process names associated with running the site.

The website 'Pages' are written in React. The nature of React is very loose structure. We did this, as appose to using something like off-the-shelf WordPress because we determined that having control over the presentation and custom functionality is important to us.

Deploy to prod

sudo rm -rf frontend/build/ && sudo mv frontend/live/build frontend/ && sudo rm -rf static_collected/ && sudo mv frontend/live/static_collected/ static_collected/

NCI EE Portal

Allow Parents, Teachers and EE Staff the ability to securely manage their students/child(ren)s NCI experience.

As a Parent

As a Parent, you can add and manage your child(ren)s profile which includes things like meal preferences and medical information.

As a Teacher

Teachers bringing their classrooms to NCI can login to manage and review their classrooms field trip preferences. Look up student records, add notes, manage housing/bed assignments, and see what other schools might be attending at the same time.

As an EE Staff Member

EE Staff have a birds-eye view across all field trips, their students, schools and contacts. Add notes. Keep track of medications needing to be administered. Generate reports such as kitchen dietary restrictions and manage housing/bed assignment.

Getting Started

No matter your role; Teacher, Parent, or EE Staff, you can begin your NCI experience by going to and selecting 'Sign into NCI' from the Environmental Education menu item, or from any of the EE location pages themselves.

  • Sign In will sign you into your NCI account. Teachers and Parents will be taken to their 'My NCI Dashboard', while EE Staff will be redirected to mobile-friendly web app.
  • Create Account can get you up and running with an NCI account if you don't already have one. If you are a Teacher, your account will be need to be approved by EE Staff before you can sign in.

My NCI Dashboard for Parents

  • Add/modify my Child(ren)s profile information, including medical records, medications, dietary restrictions, meal preferences and more.
  • Easily supply and review health insurance details.
  • View details and Register for upcoming field trips your child(ren) will be attending.

My NCI Dashboard for Teachers

  • Add/modify classroom field trip details, including student roster, housing/bed assignment, medication logs and more.
  • Lookup student profiles and parent/guardian information quickly

EE Staff 'App'

  • Get an quick glance as next field trip details
  • Attach notes to students, teachers and field trips in general
  • Add/modify housing/bed assignment
  • Manage and log student medication administrations
  • Generate reports (e.g. Kitchen dietary restrictions, Allergen lists)
  • List upcoming field trips and their details

#Starting Development

Local Requirements:

Steps to start your development box:

  1. git clone the repository down
  2. In root directory and then run vagrant up
  3. In /frontend
    1. Run yarn install 22:20
    2. Run yarn build 23:50
  4. Copy .env_example to .env in root directory 26:50
  5. Import sql file using MySQL Workbench or similar tool to vagrant's MySQL instance
    1. Note: vagrant username and password for ssh is vagrant 30:48
  6. Run vagrant ssh on root folder
  7. In the VM goto /var/www/djnci 43:00
    1. Run python3.6 collectstatic --no-input
  8. Restart gunicorn if necessary 44:30
    1. systemctl stop gunicorn.socket gunicorn
  9. You should be able to navigate to https://app.djnci.local and https://app.djnci.local/a

Login is password is password1234

Be sure to create a feature branch from master


We use semver 2.0.0


  • Fixing active alert on field trip for portal


  • Fixed Excel issue
  • Fixing active issue on field trip


  • Fixing spelling error
  • Adding medical waiver check

Breaking Changes

  1. Run python3.6 migrate
  2. Run systemctl restart gunicorn


  • Feature: #51 Adding dotenv package
  • Feature: #52 Updating changes for emails

Breaking Changes

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Wooops


  • Feature: #37 Weekly email changes

Breaking Changes

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run python3.6 migrate
  3. Run python3.6 collectstatic --no-input


  • Bugfix: #50 Field trip no longer editable
  • Bugfix: #49 Student form does not add tetanus
  • Feature: #48 Add CK editor
  • Misc: #37 Update weekly email

Breaking Changes

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run python3.6 migrate
  3. Run python3.6 collectstatic --no-input


  • Feature: #37 Weekly email to teachers
  • Bugfix: #44 Remove inactive student from fieldtrip
  • Misc: #42 Add asterisks to required fields

Breaking Changes

  1. Add python3.6 runscript send_fieldtrip_reminder to @daily CRON
  2. A database update is required. Run python3.6 migrate


  • Resolves #33
  • Resolves #35
  • lint deconstruction syntax fix
  • removed unused components and related artifact. some linting.
  • get to the me prop, properly.
  • Display Children before fieldtrips. Sick of scrolling.
  • Removed console.log citations and unused ModalAddNew Component
  • eliminating working copy noise. removed unused components, fixed lint errors, destructed props for reliable availability
  • Addresses #45


  • Feature: #38 Add export student functionality to CSV
  • Feature: #36 Duplicate student check for parents
  • Feature: #33 Replace checkbox from parent signup with dietary caution
  • Feature: #32 Ability to deactivate students from admin panel
  • Feature: #39 Sort field trips alphabetically
  • Bugfix: #9 Fix menu overlaps
  • Misc: #34 Email changes for notifications

Breaking Changes

  1. Add DJNCI_SQL_PORT and DJNCI_SQL_DBNAME environment variables
  2. A database update is required. Run python3.6 migrate


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