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Releases: C4Labs/C4iOS

Swift 4.0 + tvOS

14 Oct 22:06
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  • Updated to Swift 4.0 and Xcode 9
  • Add tvOS support
  • Use lowercase switch cases to adhere to Swift API guidelines
  • Improve math utility functions, you can now use them with CGFloat, Float, and Double
  • Use new NSNotification.Name type for events
  • Fix colon spacing to conform to new SwiftLint rule

Xcode 9

17 Sep 18:55
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Ready for Xcode 9. Fixed some warnings and updated the project settings.

Open Image

03 Jan 02:56
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This releases opens the Image class.

Open up

24 Dec 19:42
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  • Made some classes open so that they can be subclassed
  • New function to get the color of a pixel in an image
  • Fix style problems (using SwiftLint 0.14)

Swift 3.0

15 Oct 18:32
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This version is all Swift 3.0. The minimum iOS version is now 9.0.

The End of the C4 (Prefix)

07 Mar 22:44
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This is a huge release! The major difference is that we opted for a Swift-er style for the api and dropped the C4 prefix from almost all objects! Only our custom colors now have a prefix, like C4Blue, C4Grey, C4Pink, and C4Purple

Along with this release we have also updated our website to a new version. Now, all content refers to the non-C4-prefix style (yes, we edited COSMOS tutorial).

We added an examples tutorial highlighting differences between Processing and C4.

We updated the installer to this version of the api.

Adds muted property to Movie by @jbloit (#635)
Repeat functionality added to ViewAnimationSequence by @Rabursky (#591)
The * operator on Vector now works with scalar on the left hand side by @schwarrrtz (#584)
Add language marks to code blocks by @3lvis (#583)

Other Updates
Adds init(copy) method to all visible and non-visible objects (#589, #633, #637)
Updates initializers, allowing for subclassing outside of framework (#630, #631)
Updates lerp function signatures, in Math and Point classes
Adds default image sets to C4App
Adds AVAudioSession playback setup
Adds proper hit testing for shapes
Changes Foundation's delay to wait (#624)
Adds ScreenRecorder that captures the screen using ReplayKit. (#612)
Adds shadow to animatable properties
Adds rotation property to Shape, Movie, Image (#611, #613)
Adds app icon set to C4App
Removes C4 prefix from all classes (#605)
Adds swiftlint and refactor code to proper styling constraints
Adds spring animations
Adds cumulative rotation to View, using actionForKey
Adds spring animationd (#600)
Adds gradientFill to Shape (#599, #620, #623)
Adds rendering to View and Shape (#598)
Adds colorWithAlpha function to Color, you can now do the following: let faded = black.colorWithAlpha(0.5) (#597)
Adds locations and center variables to gesture actions (#594, #640)
Adds ability to easily move one view above / below another view (#589)
Adds ability to animate contents of Image (#588)
Adds ability to easily move one view above / below another view
Adds masksToBounds property to View
Adds build status image link (
Adds TravisCI
Add ability to nest animations


13 Jul 06:05
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First stable Swift release