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Getting Started

BuiltOn offers a platform as a service that digitizes core business functions and optimizes resource allocation with baked-in machine learning capabilities. This is a demo store showcasing capabilities of BuiltOn API's. The orders/products/users created in the system will not be processed.

The demo is available on: Demo store


To run this project locally, a couple of prerequisities need to be met.

  1. You need to have valid BuiltOn API key. You can get it by logging in/creating an account in BuiltOn Dashboard and navigate to Settings from the main menu. The key is located under the API keys section.

  2. You will need Firebase authentication services as an authentication provider. You will need to link it in your BuiltOn Dashboard account. You can do that by navigating to Settings and linking Firebase under Auth Providers section.

  3. You will need Stripe test account to process payments for the orders. After creating your account you will need to link it in your BuiltOn Dashboard. You can do that by navigating to Settings and linking Stripe under Payment Providers section.

    Note: For payments made in EU, please read on how to implement Stripe SCA in our SCA implementation documentation.

  4. You will also need to generate your own Google Maps API key. You will need to replace the key in /public/index.html.

<script src="[YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY]&libraries=places"></script>
  1. After cloning the project the respective keys need to be put in a keys.json config file under /src/config/ directory.
  "endpoint": "",
  "stripeKey": [YOUR STRIPE API KEY],
  "firebase": {
    "apiKey": [YOUR FIREBASE API KEY],
  "ML": {
     "popularProducts": [YOUR POPULAR PRODUCTS ML MODEL ID],
     "similarProducts": [YOUR SIMILAR PRODUCTS ML MODEL ID],
  1. ML Support - currently this Demo Store supports Complementary Items, Similar Products and Popular Product Recommendations. To make those work on a local copy, products need to be created, order history need to be available and the respective models need to be trained through our Dashboard. Model ID's need to be replaced in their respective API calls. For more information please follow our ML Docs.


    try {
      const recommendations = await builton.aiModels.getRecommendations(<model-id>, {
        body: {
          data: <product_id>,
          options: {
            size: 3,


    } catch(err) {


To run the store locally, you will need to import your own products. Please follow this guide to do so.


  1. git clone
  2. cd builton-demo-store
  3. npm i
  4. npm run start

This will fire up a local server on PORT 3000 where you can interact with the system.

Note: Changes in the code might be necessary to run this project with products other than the intended ones.

Issue reporting

If you have found issues or have feature request, please report to this repository`s issues section.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.