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Pull requests that update a dependency file
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status: help wanted
status: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
status: need more info
status: need more info
Need more information to proceed
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
This will not be worked on
svc: convertlog2feed
svc: convertlog2feed
Convert logs to feed
svc: dumpinventory
svc: dumpinventory
Request a cloud asset inventory export
svc: getgroupsettings
svc: getgroupsettings
Retrieve a group's settings
svc: getgroupsmembers
svc: getgroupsmembers
Retrieve a group's members
svc: listgroups
svc: listgroups
List a directory's groups
svc: monitor
svc: monitor
Evaluate a asset compliance with a given rule
svc: publish2fs
svc: publish2fs
Publish a Pubsub message as a Firestore document
svc: setdashboards
svc: setdashboards
svc: setfeeds
svc: setfeeds
Configure a Cloud Asset Inventory feed
svc: setlogsinks
svc: setlogsinks
Configure a log's sink
svc: splitdump
svc: splitdump
Nibble a Cloud Asset Inventory dump into many Pubsub messages
svc: stream2bq
svc: stream2bq
Stream a Pubsub message into a Bigquery table
svc: upload2gcs
svc: upload2gcs
Upload a Pubsub message as a Cloud Storage Bucket Object
type: bug
type: bug
Error or flaw in code with unintended results
type: doc
type: doc
Improvements or additions to documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Existing feature improvement
type: new feature
type: new feature
Create a feature
type: question
type: question
Further information is requested
type: refactor
type: refactor
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
type: test
type: test
Add missing or improve existing tests
util: aut
util: aut
// Package aut helps authentication and tokens
util: bil
util: bil
// Package bil helps with billing management
util: cai
util: cai
// Package cai helps with Cloud Asset Inventory
util: deploy
util: deploy
// Package deploy defines the core structure for deployments and common APIs
util: erm
util: erm
// Package erm helps with errors management