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➡️ aspect: deployment
:arrow_right: aspect: deployment
Concerns with deployment specific changes
⬆️ aspect: dependencies
:arrow_up: aspect: dependencies
Concerns with dependencies upgrade / downgrade
💻 aspect: code
💻 aspect: code
Concerns the code in the repository
🤖 aspect: dx
🤖 aspect: dx
Concerns developers' experience with the codebase
🕹 aspect: interface
🕹 aspect: interface
Concerns end-users' experience with the framework
📄 aspect: text
📄 aspect: text
Concerns the textual material in the repository
💥 pr: breaking change
:boom: pr: breaking change
PR which adds breaking changes
🥊 difficulty: intermediate
:boxing_glove: difficulty: intermediate
Change complexity is medium
🐛 pr: bug fix
:bug: pr: bug fix
PR which fixes a bug
⛔️ closed: discarded
⛔️ closed: discarded
Will not be worked on
🙅 closed: discontinued
🙅 closed: discontinued
Not suitable for work as repo is in maintenance
👷 status: awaiting pr changes
:construction_worker: status: awaiting pr changes
Waiting for PR review comment changes to be done
🖥️ domain: web
:desktop_computer: domain: web
Concerns with Web domain of the framework
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
🌐 domain: api
:globe_with_meridians: domain: api
Concerns with API domain of the framework
⭐ goal: addition
⭐ goal: addition
Addition of new feature
🛠 goal: fix
🛠 goal: fix
Bug fix
✨ goal: improvement
✨ goal: improvement
Improvement to an existing feature
good first issue
good first issue
New-contributor friendly
Good issues for Hacktoberfest participants
Hacktoberfest contribution accepted
⚒️ domain: configs
:hammer_and_pick: domain: configs
Boyka Configuration
⌛ status: awaiting review
:hourglass: status: awaiting review
Waiting for PR to get reviewed
🏠 pr: internal
:house: pr: internal
PR which adds internal framework changes
📱 domain: android
:iphone: domain: android
Concerns with Android domain of the framework
📱 domain: ios
:iphone: domain: ios
Concerns with iOS domain of the framework
Pull requests that update Java code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
🔎 aspect: lint and style
:mag_right: aspect: lint and style
Concerns with coding style and lint rules
📝 pr: documentation
:memo: pr: documentation
PR which adds only documentation changes