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NexoPOS v5.2.0

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@Blair2004 Blair2004 released this 27 Mar 12:10
· 89 commits to master since this release

We're releasing a new update of NexoPOS that comes with small improvements in terms of developer experience, bug fixes and other UX improvements. As the main update here, we've moved from Laravel 10 to Laravel 11. we aim in the long run to use the new Laravel Reverb, for a better lightweight notification.

Stop Propagating Close Event

When multiple popups opened, all were closed when pressing "ESC". Sometimes, even the popup we wanted to keep visible was closed. We've added a new way of handling popups. Now, NexoPOS considers the popup visible as "focused" and other popups and not focused so all keyboard events are directed to the focused popup.

Attribute Supports on Crud Column

If for a crud component, we decide to use all columns, our table will look long and hard to explore. We added an attribute feature to display some columns as a small description of other columns. Here is what it looks like:


On the code, here is how it's defined:


Other Changes: