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Skins (color variations)

This theme comes in nine different skins (in addition to the default one).

air contrast dark
air skin contrast skin dark skin
dirt mint sunrise
dirt skin mint skin sunrise skin
aqua neon plum
aqua skin neon skin plum skin

Demo pages

Name Description
Post with Header Image A post with a large header image.
HTML Tags and Formatting Post A variety of common markup showing how the theme styles them.
Syntax Highlighting Post Post displaying highlighted code.
Post with a Gallery A post showing several images wrapped in <figure> elements.
Sample Collection Page Single page from a collection.
Categories Archive Posts grouped by category.
Tags Archive Posts grouped by tag.

Additional sample posts are available under posts archive on the demo site. Source files for these (and the entire demo site) can be found in /docs.


There are three ways to install: as a gem-based theme, as a remote theme (GitHub Pages compatible), or forking/directly copying all of the theme files into your project.

Gem-based method

With Gem-based themes, directories such as the assets, _layouts, _includes, and _sass are stored in the theme’s gem, hidden from your immediate view. Yet all of the necessary directories will be read and processed during Jekyll’s build process.

This allows for easier installation and updating as you don't have to manage any of the theme files. To install:

  1. Add the following to your Gemfile:

    gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
  2. Fetch and update bundled gems by running the following Bundler command:

  3. Set the theme in your project's Jekyll _config.yml file:

    theme: minimal-mistakes-jekyll

To update the theme run bundle update.

Remote theme method

Remote themes are similar to Gem-based themes, but do not require Gemfile changes or whitelisting making them ideal for sites hosted with GitHub Pages.

To install:

  1. Create/replace the contents of your Gemfile with the following:

    source ""
    gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
    gem "jekyll-include-cache", group: :jekyll_plugins
  2. Add jekyll-include-cache to the plugins array of your _config.yml.

  3. Fetch and update bundled gems by running the following Bundler command:

  4. Add remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.24.0" to your _config.yml file. Remove any other theme: or remote_theme: entry.

Looking for an example? Use the Minimal Mistakes remote theme starter for the quickest method of getting a GitHub Pages hosted site up and running. Generate a new repository from the starter, replace sample content with your own, and configure as needed.


For detailed instructions on how to configure, customize, add/migrate content, and more read the theme's documentation.


Found a typo in the documentation or interested in fixing a bug? Then by all means submit an issue or pull request. If this is your first pull request, it may be helpful to read up on the GitHub Flow first.

For help with using the theme or general Jekyll support questions, please use the Jekyll Talk forums.

Pull Requests

When submitting a pull request:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Create a branch off of master and give it a meaningful name (e.g. my-awesome-new-feature).
  3. Open a pull request on GitHub and describe the feature or fix.

Theme documentation and demo pages can be found in the /docs if submitting improvements, typo corrections, etc.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install.

To test the theme, run bundle exec rake preview and open your browser at http://localhost:4000/test/. This starts a Jekyll server using content in the test/ directory. As modifications are made to the theme and test site, it will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh.


This website forks Minimal Mistakes by Michael Rose


Michael Rose

Icons + Demo Images:
