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This repository is a platform for user-generated content, and I do not host or control the specific files shared here. If you believe there is a copyright infringement, please direct your notice to the actual host or provider of the content. Thank you for your understanding.

Structure of the module

├── Home
│   └── code.js
├── Info
│   └── code.js
├── Media
│   └── code.js
├── Search
│   └── code.js
├── metadata.json
└── icon.png

Structure of metadata.json

    "id": String (Should be a UUID) (e.g. "078efc22-3314-11ee-be56-0242ac120002"),
    "type": "Video" or "Book" or "Text" (e.g. "Video"),
    "subtypes": String Array (e.g. ["anime"]),
    "name": String (e.g. ""),
    "version": String (e.g. "0.3.0"),
    "formatVersion": Number (e.g. 1),
    "updateUrl": String (e.g. ""),
    "general": {
      "author": String (e.g. "Inumaki"),
      "description": String (e.g. "A module to get the data from"),
      "lang": String Array (e.g. ["en-US"]),
      "baseURL": String (e.g. ""),
      "bgColor":  String (e.g. "#ffcb3d"),
      "fgColor": String (e.g. "#000000")

Structure of code.js

You can put any functions in code.js, but there are some functions that the js file already has access to:

  1. A function named logic: The logic function is an async function, that will receive a parameter which will be a JSON Object. Refer to the demo code to see when this is relevant. (todo)

    • Signature: logic(params: { [key: string]: string }): Promise<void>
    • Note: This function will be automatically called by the app, so make sure not to invoke it any where.
  2. To send HTTP requests with headers call the sendRequest function with the parameters url and headers:

    • Signature: sendRequest(url: string, headers: { [key: string]: string }): Promise<string>
    • Example: If you wanted to send a request to with the header {referer: ""}, you'd run:
      • await sendRequest("", {referer: ""})
  3. To load a js in a <script> tag, loadScript can be used. This will load the script to the DOM.

    • Signature: loadScript(url: string): Promise<void>
    • Example: if you wanted to load CryptoJS, you'd run:
      • await loadScript("");
  4. To send the result back to the app, sendResult should be used. It may be called multiple times from the same js file (see: Info/code.js)

    • Signature: sendResult(result: string, last: boolean = false): Promise<void>;
    • Example: Run sendResult(JSON.stringify(result)) to send the result.
    • Note: The type of result varies. Refer to the demo code to see what type it should be of.
    • Note The last argument is used to tell that it's safe for the app to close the webview.

Building Modules

To build modules, simply run make build-module in the respective folder. If you don't have jq installed, you can run brew install jq or choco install jq on MacOS.


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