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ImGui Playground

This is a playground for ImGui. It is a simple project that demonstrates how to use ImGui in a C++ project with GLFW and CMake.

Code should be put in the src/custom.cpp file. It also has a variable called overwriteDefaultWindows that can be set to true to overwrite the default windows that are created by the playground.

The src/main.cpp file is the entry point of the application.


Press Use this template > Create a new repository and name it. It is recommend that your repository be public as if you make it private you will either have to configure the todo issue to use a token or remove it.

It is also recommend to rename the project, this can be done by going into CMakeLists.txt in the root of the project and changing the project name by doing a find and replace for ImGuiPlayground and replacing it with your project name. You can change the project target to execute automatically in the Makefile and you can also rename the window at the top of src/main.cpp in the createWindow function call.


You can build the project using CMake. Here is how you can build the project:

cmake -B build .
cd build

The project will be built in the build directory and is cross-platform.