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JS @__at__ *all

A JS generator for show all JS objects|topics with its followers by __click__ with a search box with some options

supports in all envs with a new method in Object

Object.getAllPropertyNames: a new method by MBH shows the object properties and if the second parameter sets truth will split properties in arrays first array is the parent __proto__ and the second is its children . However in the ES5 edition it throws a TypeError with non-object same as Object.getOwnPropertyNames

Sample :

Object.getAllPropertyNames(Math); // ["abs","acos","acosh","asin","asinh","atan","atanh","atan2","ceil","cbrt","expm1","clz32","cos","cosh","exp","floor","fround","hypot","imul","log","log1p","log2","log10","max","min","pow","random","round","sign","sin","sinh","sqrt","tan","tanh","trunc","E","LN10","LN2","LOG10E","LOG2E","PI","SQRT1_2","SQRT2","constructor","__defineGetter__","__defineSetter__","hasOwnProperty","__lookupGetter__","__lookupSetter__","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toString","valueOf","__proto__","toLocaleString"]
Object.getAllPropertyNames(Math, true); // [[[object Math],["abs","acos","acosh","asin","asinh","atan","atanh","atan2","ceil","cbrt","expm1","clz32","cos","cosh","exp","floor","fround","hypot","imul","log","log1p","log2","log10","max","min","pow","random","round","sign","sin","sinh","sqrt","tan","tanh","trunc","E","LN10","LN2","LOG10E","LOG2E","PI","SQRT1_2","SQRT2"]],[[object Object],["constructor","__defineGetter__","__defineSetter__","hasOwnProperty","__lookupGetter__","__lookupSetter__","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toString","valueOf","__proto__","toLocaleString"]]
Object.getAllPropertyNames(''); // ES5 TypeError ES2015+ [...]
AND MORE it is available in js/allKeys.js

Some description

It after loading show all the the global objects and the datatypes in browsers with some important constructor functions with the DOM Elements .and by click on the object on browers the object are ganna shows its properties with method + __proto__ or for void this use the split protos on the options to see the default object as it .And it has also a search box on the top for search about the object with the search options on the options it is a very nice examples for many of reasons for many js people