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Gauge tests for Bahmni E2E tests for Standard & Lite

Bahmni Standard V93 E2E Tests

Bahmni Standard V94 E2E Tests

Bahmni Lite E2E Tests

This repo is for End to End tests for Bahmni Standard & Bahmni Lite. Check out branch BahmniStandard_V93 for Bahmni Standard and Check out main for Bahmni Lite.



  • Clone this repository and check out to branch as required.(main for bahmni lite & BahmniStandard_V93 for bahmni standard)
  • In terminal Run git submodule init
  • Run git submodule update

QA Test plan

  • The details of scenarios covered and planned are given here


  • npm install
  • gauge run specs --env <ENV> -v -p --tags '<TAGS>' eg: gauge run specs --env local -v -p --tags 'clinic & smoke'

--env allows us to choose the environment on which the tests can run. These are the subfolders of the env folder with relevant property files.

-v runs the tests in the verbose mode

-p runs the tests in parallel, the number of streams will be decided by gauge based on system resources. If you want to override it then -n=<Number_of_streams> can be included.

--tags allows us to choose the tests to run from the test suite. In this command we are running the smoke test for clinic. If we want to run the regression test for clinics, we can use the following command gauge run specs --env local -v -p --tags 'clinic & regression'

It is not mandatory to include all run options in command, we can simply run the command gauge run specs, this will execute all the scenarios present under the specs directory against the default environment.

The HTML reports can be found in ./reports/html-report after the run.

Running againts other environments

If you want to run the test against different environment, change URLs, and other values in the properties file under <test checkout Folder>/env/<env> directory. you can also create a new directory and copy the properties from existing environment directory and update as required.