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Version 2.3.1b

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@Bitc2org Bitc2org released this 29 Jun 02:26
· 5 commits to master since this release

Minor release.

Change log

  • Fix staker using too much CPU after the previous blockchain upgrade.
  • Halve Max Reorganization Depth.
  • Minor code optimizations.

Updating is optional, and only recommended if you are staking and you want your computer or node to be less wasteful in its CPU use.

To update your desktop wallet, you just need to download the archive, stop your wallet and let it fully shutdown, and then copy the executable files to replace the ones you had installed already.

If you are making a fresh installation and you want to synchronize faster, you can download a blockchain snapshot from
If you choose to use that, read the ReadMe.txt that is included in the .zip file for instructions.