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Hidden 🗂️ folders/directories 🗃️ or files 📂 used for storing user configurations/preferences or preserving states for various utilities or applications… 💾


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🕳️ 🐇 follow the White Rabbit into this repository’s Wonderland of .dotfiles dossiers… 🗂️

In the neon‑lit information superhighways of our pale blue dot’s sprawling cyberspace ϵcumϵnopólis, “dotfiles” contain “hidden” specifications that power the digital prostheses&augmentations of our increasingly transhuman existence… They’re the underlying bespoke cybernetic‑implants that give our 𝗖ommand‑𝗟ine 𝐈nterfaces ⟦CLI⟧ tools&low‑level scripting languages their edge.

  • Augment your PDEs (“𝐏ersonal 𝐃evelopment 𝐄nvironments”) with the digital‑graffiti of .dotfiles worthy of a tech‑savvy rebel. Cultivate 1337 configurations of your idiosyncratically favored tools, empowering you to hack&slash through remote digital wildernesses or securely firewalled‑gardens with finesse. From customizing every “Ghost” in your Shell prompts until you are their “Puppet Master” to fine‑tuning your favorite Text‑Editors or their LSP implementations, .dotfiles are your passport to dominating any virtual cyberpunk underground that your conscious wetware might wish to locally inhabit or temporarily “remote” into…
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That said, please consider carefully your own needs&goals for your own versions of these files, then try to actually keep your own best counsel concerning how YOU personally prefer to configure&utilize them:

“I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it…” - Alice 👧🏼

But what even are .dotfiles❓ And what good are they‽

“How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another.” - Alice 👧🏼

  • This repository is a curated collection of multifarious enhancements&configurations that may be of interest to coders of many persuasions, ranging from “Cheshire Cats” to “Mad Hatters” and beyond; dive into its code to discover various hopefully sane “opinionated defaults” or easily customizable settings for a plethora of popular tools, such as:
  • “Bash”$“𝐁ourne‑𝐀gain” Unix 𝐬𝐡ell: Configure this traditionally popular default shell of most Linux distros to wield the power of its reliably capable command‑line‑interface like a cybernetic samurai.
  • zsh: Level up your shell game with enhanced features&customizations for this popular MacOS default shell that enhances Bourne with some popular features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh…
  • Vim: Embrace the power of modal editing and transform your text‑editing experience into a cybernetic dance of motions so efficient they’ll render your mouse an unnecessary paperweight, eventually forging you into a true console‑cowboy!
  • Tmux: Master the art of terminal‑multiplexing to take control of your command‑line sessions like Agents traversing The Matrix no matter where you need to remote SSH.


Developers everywhere are welcome to join the .dotfiles collective! Please feel free to Fork or clone&mirror this open‑source repository, make any customizations or enhancements you may happen to prefer, and submit a pull request if you think they’d be generally/universally beneficial upgrades or updates/corrections you’d like to share. Together, we can build a future where augmentations&configurations of our favorite low‑level tools know no bounds!


This repository is primarily maintained by BFGriffith in order to showcase some of his own personal .dotfiles, but gladly welcomes pull‑requests from any other developers who may be inclined to contribute any expanded toolsets or library&plugin setup interfaces/guides or alternative configurations examples, enhancements, or bugfixes for any specific programs that happen to fall anywhere within this project’s broadly designated command‑line‑interface/low‑level settings&customizations “dotfiles” scope. After all, we perpetually stand on the shoulders of giants, borrowing inspirations&code from the open‑source community while properly acknowledging the creators of anything they’ve benevolently granted us liberty to build upon…

The various code configurations&options explained&hosted throughout this .dotfiles Repository are released into the Public‑Domain under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal 🅭 “Creative‑Commons” Public‑Domain dedication tool. You are welcome, free, and empowered to delve&tinker herein to your Heart’s contentment no matter how deep this particular “rabbit hole” of .dotfiles eventually goes…


Hidden 🗂️ folders/directories 🗃️ or files 📂 used for storing user configurations/preferences or preserving states for various utilities or applications… 💾








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