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AuroraEditor TextView

The AuroraEditor TextView is a Swift-based component of the AuroraEditor project, designed to offer a sophisticated text viewing and editing experience. Leveraging the Tree-Sitter parsing library, it provides accurate syntax highlighting for a variety of programming languages, with the aim of supporting an expanding range of languages over time.


This project is currently in development and is undergoing continuous updates and improvements. It is not recommended for use in production environments at this stage. Please stay tuned for future updates regarding stability and feature completeness.


  • Syntax Highlighting: Utilizes Tree-Sitter to offer precise and efficient syntax highlighting for supported programming languages, enhancing readability and productivity.
  • Swift Integration: Built in Swift, making it a perfect fit for macOS and iOS development environments.
  • Expandable Language Support: While starting with a limited subset of languages, there's ongoing work to include more over time.
  • High Performance: Optimized for high performance, ensuring smooth and responsive editing experiences, even with large files.
  • Customizable Appearance: Supports theme customization, allowing users to tailor the editor's look and feel to their preference.


Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Xcode, for development on macOS or iOS platforms.
  • Swift Package Manager (SPM), for dependency management and project building.
  • Git, for cloning the repository.


  1. Clone the Repository: Open a terminal and clone the AuroraEditor TextView repository with the following command:

    git clone
    cd AuroraEditor-TextView
  2. Open the Project:

    open AuroraEditor-TextView.xcodeproj
  3. Build the Project: Use Xcode to build the project. Select the appropriate target for your development needs (macOS or iOS) and run the build process. Contributing

We warmly welcome contributions to the AuroraEditor TextView project! Whether you're interested in adding new features, expanding language support through Tree-Sitter, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, your input is highly valued. Please check our contribution guidelines for more information on how to get started.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. This allows for both personal and commercial use, modification, distribution, and private use, subject to the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


For questions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue in the GitHub repository. Our community and project maintainers are dedicated to improving the AuroraEditor TextView and are here to help.


This project is a customized fork of the CodeEditSourceEditor