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A soundboard to manage music and ambience during your discord TTRPG sessions

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A soundboard to manage music and ambience (from local storage or youtube) during your discord TTRPG sessions. I have built this tool for my very own purpose, so it is a bit shaky, but I decided to share it if it can help someone. I know that some built-in or online solutions exist for this but sometimes nothing match exactly your needs, so you have to get your hands dirty. You can use this tool as you want, copy it, fork it do as you want. If you do some improvements do no hesitate to share it with me to ensure everybody can enjoy it.

General overview

The tool consists of 2 Discord music bots and a soundboard displayed in a web view. The soundboard allow you to control the music played by the bots through the interface. The interface should be responsive enough for every usage, but it is not perfect (shaky I said!).

The soundboard

Installation and configuration

Technical aspects

The tool consists of 2 Discord music bots and a soundboard displayed in a web view. The soundboard allow you to control the music played by the bots through the interface. The bots cannot be controlled through the discord chat except for joining and leaving a voice channel. The idea is to have two bots to manage simultaneously music/ambience and the sound effects. But you can use the two bots in the way you want even just one if you prefer (just kick the other one from the vocal).

The bots are hosted with python and a Lavalink server (version 3.7.8).


  • Installing Java
  • Installing Python
  • Installing those python packages, tuto here :
    • ConfigObj
    • wavelink
    • PyNacl
    • discord


To download the tool you can either clone the repository or download the source code of the last release. If you use the second option, extract all the files from the downloaded archive. Once you have downloaded the tool you can try to launch it. To facilitate this step I wrote a batch file managing the start of the different components. So you can just execute the file TTRPG_SOUNDBOARD_LAUNCHER.bat and the Soundboard should open as describe in launching section. It is currently empty, but the next step is to configure the bots.

Bots configuration

As explain the soundboard consist in two discord bots for music. So to configure the soundboard you have to set up and configure these two bots. For those who don't know how it works I will explain all but the others can skip to the next step.

  1. Developer portal
  2. Register a bot (you will have to repeat this step for the second bot)
    • Create a new application (top right button) and name it (you can name the bot music and sound-effect for example) :


    • Custom the general information and the bot image if you want.

    • Go to the Bot section on the left.

    • Scroll down to the Privileged Gateway Intents section

    • Accept the three intents and save changes :


    • Your bot is now setup repeat the operation for the second one.

  3. Invite the bots to your discord server
    • Got to the OAuth2 --> URL Generator section on the left.

    • Chose the bot scope.

    • Select send messages, send messages in threads, connect and speak permissions :


    • Copy the generated URL at the bottom of the page.

    • Paste the link in your web browser.

    • Chose the server where you want to add the bot and validate all next steps.

    • Your bot should have been added to your server ! Repeat the operation for the second bot.

Now that your two bots are set up you have to set up your environment, so the Soundboard can start the bots and use them.

Environment configuration

To set up the environment you have to go to the Soundboard folder of the tool repertory. To ensure that you are in the right place there should be a and a file. In this folder you have to create a .env file. To do that create a text document (.txt) named "txt". Open it in notepad and go to file, save as. Name it ".env" and chose "all files" option in "Save as type" then save. Your .env file should have been created and you can delete the txt file.

You can now open the .env file with notepad (or any IDE/code editor) and add the following lines :


There are 5 options in this file :

  • the token of the first bot - music bot ;
  • the token of the second bot - sound-effect bot ;
  • the prefix for the first bot commands in discord ;
  • the prefix of the second bot commands in discord ;
  • the absolute path to the folder where the soundboard will search for local files (see managing sounds for more information)

You can configure the last three options as you want. For the bots tokens go to your discord developer application page. The token can be found in the bot section of each application by clicking on reset token. Then paste each token in the corresponding option.

You can now launch the tool by executing the batch file and the bots should now be online in your discord server.

Better launcher and shortcut

There is a way more convenient way to start the soundboard. You can generate an .exe of the launcher batch file and then create a shortcut that you can pin to start (or wherever you want) with any icon you want. To do that you have to open (with notepad for example) the TTRPG_SOUNDBOARD_LAUNCHER.bat file and modify the two lines squared in red in the image below.

batch screenshot

Change the relative path to the folders by the absolute path so that the future EXE file will find the folders from anywhere. So replace LavalinkServer by Disk:\absolute\path\to\LavalinkServer and ../Soundboard by Disk:\absolute\path\to\Soundboard. You can then just drag and drop the batch file onto the second batch file of the project : bat2exe.bat. It will create an EXE file base on the batch file. From this EXE file you can create a shortcut with a fancy icon (the one in Soundboard/resources/soundboard.ico for example) and finally pin it to start to launch it easily whenever you want.


The tool consists of 2 Discord music bots and a soundboard displayed in a web view. The soundboard allow you to control the music played by the bots through the interface. The bots cannot be controlled throught the discord chat except for joining and leaving a voice channel.

The idea is to have two bots to manage simultaneously music/ambience and the sound effects. But you can use the two bots in the way you want even just one if you prefer (just kick the other one from the vocal).


When you launch the tool (a combination of batch, jar and python script) it opens a Windows console and a web view. You can minimize the console you will probably have no use for it. The web view contain the soundboard.

The tool console The soundboard

Bots control

The soundboard consists in two main sections corresponding to each bot and the sounds are dispatched in different sub categories. You can choose which sound each bot plays by clicking on a sound button. The sounds can come from local storage files or youtube links as explain in the customization section. Each bot have a list of commands at the bottom of its body :

  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Stop
  • Reset volume to default
  • Lower volume
  • Increase volume
  • Switch on repeat one mode
  • Switch off repeat one mode

Bot commands on the soundboard

Hiding categories

You can also hide a category by clicking in the top right corner eye icon. To show it back you can use the menu in the top right corner of the bot body. This menu can also be used to hide categories. Hiding categories can be useful for complex soundboards or for display issues.


To close the Soundboard you have to close both windows : the web view and the console. If you close the console, the web view will stay open but the tool will be completely shutdown because the console controls the bot and the server. If you close the web view, because of the batch the console should be close itself in the next 10s and you will be good.


Managing sounds and categories

The sounds are managed through a config.json file located in Soundboard/soundboard_web/. There should be a config.example.json to start with that you can rename config.json. In this file you have two main sections which are music and sound_effects and each have an inner section named sounds. Do not change this labels if you don't want to affect the code. For each bot you have to define at least one category to put the sounds in but you can add as many categories as you want. You will just have to test how it displays to ensure a good utilisation.

To add a sound you have to precise its name (what display on the soundboard button) and its value. The value can be either :

  • a local file by precising the tag {sound_folder} before the file name and extension. See environment configuration to configure the local store folder.
  • a youtube link by precising the tag {youtube} before the video link.

There is an example of my config.json file for a Lord of the Rings session using either local files and youtube videos :

"music" : {
    "sounds" : {
        "The Shire" : {
            "Day"                 : "{sound_folder}the-shire.mp3",
            "Night"               : "{sound_folder}the-shire-night.mp3",
            "Northern moors"      : "{sound_folder}windy-nature.mp3",
            "Inn"                 : "{sound_folder}the-shire-tavern.mp3",
            "Suspense"            : "{sound_folder}suspense.mp3"
        "Other ambiences" : {
            "Waiting ambience (the witcher)"    : "{youtube}",
            "Waiting ambience (LOTR)"           : "{youtube}",
            "Fight"                             : "{sound_folder}fight-low-level.mp3"
"sound_effects" : {
    "sounds" : {
        "Scenario effects" : {
            "Door knocking"            : "{sound_folder}se-door-knocking.mp3",
            "Dogs"                     : "{sound_folder}se-dogs-angry.mp3",
            "River"                    : "{sound_folder}river.mp3",
            "A Elbereth Gilthoniel"    : "{sound_folder}elbereth-gilthoniel.mp3"
        "General effect" : {
            "Men/Women yelling"     : "{sound_folder}se-men-yelling.mp3",
            "Arrow"                 : "{sound_folder}se-arrow-wood.mp3",
            "Sword on shield"       : "{sound_folder}se-sword-wood.mp3",
            "Sword wound"           : "{sound_folder}se-sword-bloody.mp3",
            "Bloody sword wound"    : "{sound_folder}se-sword-very-bloody.mp3"


You can put any image in the background of the soundboard either .pnj, .jpg or .gif. The image will keep its size when put in the background so little images will be repeated and enormous images will be "zoomed". Personally I use a 1920x1080 of Rivendell as you can see in the example or in your soundboard as it is the default background. I recommend using a JPG image because there is an auto customization making the bot body header having a colour based on the background (it's so fancy I love it lol).

To change the background just put your image in the /Soundboard/soundboard_web/media folder and rename it background (no caps).


You can modify the title of the web view if you want. To do that you have to open the config.json and modify the title value in application section. Be careful, if you do that you have to modify the batch as describe in the config.json in _title_information value.