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@ldmberman ldmberman released this 18 Jun 12:00
· 705 commits to master since this release

This release provides a few patches and improvements.

Bug fixes

This release fixes several bugs, one from, another one from long ago, which does not have any negative side effects apart from producing a lot of error logs, mostly from the bug.

Also fixed an issue which could make the node crash with a segmentation fault if RocksDB got corrupted. If you experience that, please start the miner with enable automatic_rocksdb_repair.

The ArQL tag index is now off by default

See the commit description for some explanation.

Upgrade instructions

N. comes with the prebuilt binaries for the Linux and Darwin x86_64 platforms.

Download the corresponding archive and unpack it:

tar -xzf arweave-

The archive contents look like this:

bin/  data/  erts-10.3/  lib/  releases/

To run the miner, execute ./bin/start <arguments>. See the mining guide for more details.
If your OS/platform architecture is not in the list, check README for how to build the miner from source.

If you want to run the miner from the existing Git folder, execute the following command to upgrade:

git fetch --all --tags && git checkout -f N.

You can now run the miner using the arweave-server script.


For more details on how to run a mining node, please see our mining guide - If you have any issues upgrading or would like to know more about the release, feel free to reach out to us in the #mining channel on Discord Arweave Dev Talk server ( or email us at