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Release N.

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@ldmberman ldmberman released this 28 Nov 13:31
**Transaction priority queue**

The feature seeks to optimize transaction propagation. The goals are to maximize the utility for miners and stay within the resource limits (network bandwidth, RAM).

The task can be seen as a Knapsack auction, where miners need to collect transactions with the biggest total reward, subject to the given total size constraint. The choice of the allowed size, in turn, determines the latency.

We use a greedy approximation algorithm, which prioritizes transactions with a higher per-byte reward.


 - Reduced network traffic. The number of outgoing connections for propagating transactions is now capped globally, not on a per-transaction basis.

**Upgrade instructions**

Shut down the miner. To make sure the shutdown was successful, run `ps aux | grep beam | grep -v grep`. The output should be empty.
Run `git fetch --all --tags && git checkout N. && git reset --hard N.`.
Start arweave-server again with the same arguments as before.


For more details on how to run the node, please see our mining guide - If you have any issues upgrading or would like to know more about the release, feel free to reach out to us in the #mining channel on Discord Arweave Dev Talk server ( or email us on