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Release N.

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@ldmberman ldmberman released this 17 Oct 09:05
· 906 commits to master since this release

The release includes a feature and four improvements and bugfixes.

  • Support for path manifests is introduced

    Path manifests are a simple and optional extension for Arweave gateways; they allow users to upload a small metadata transaction (the path manifest), which maps user-definable subpaths with other Arweave transaction IDs. This allows users to create logical groupings of content, for example, a directory of related files, or the files and assets that make up a web application.

    For more details, check the wiki page about path manifests. It describes the schema and provides an example.

  • The benchmark was made more precise

    Now it collects the actual number of hashes the mining processes generate instead of estimating them from the number of mined blocks. As a result,
    the benchmark fluctuates less and reports slightly higher numbers.


  • The propagation of blocks and transactions was improved slightly


  • A bug was fixed where nodes would sometimes fail to join the network


  • An unstable memory monitoring process was removed that sometimes caused the nodes to stop mining


Upgrade instructions:

  1. Shut down arweave-server. To make sure the shutdown was successful, run ps aux | grep beam | grep -v grep. The output should be empty.
  2. Run git fetch --all --tags && git checkout N. && git reset --hard N.
  3. Start arweave-server again with the same arguments as before.

For more details on how to run the node, please see our mining guide. If you have any issues upgrading or would like to know more about the release, feel free to reach out to us in the #mining channel on Discord Arweave Dev Talk server or email us on