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Hydra Cached

Hydra instantiate, but cached!

This project allows executing processing pipelines defined in python files which should follow the Hydra instantiate API (plus some additions). However, the result of all executed targets is cached in memory (can be disabled per subconfig) and optionally persisted to or loaded from the file system. The (sub-)configs are used as keys for the cache. Furthermore, methods that are not deterministic can be annotated with the @not_deterministic decorator. This will cause to re-execute these targets even if they were already executed before (and the cache was persisted). But when the hash of that new execution result matches a previously calculated one follow up calculation may be skipped.


python -m pip install git+


usage: instantiate [-h] [--config_object CONFIG_OBJECT] [--persist_cache]
               [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--cache_verbose] [--display_config]
               [--exclude_persisting_targets EXCLUDE_PERSISTING_TARGETS]
               [--log_level LOG_LEVEL]

Execute a processing pipeline from a config object defined in a python module.

positional arguments:
  config                Name of the module that has to contain a config dict
                        which will be instantiated via

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config_object CONFIG_OBJECT, -o CONFIG_OBJECT
                        Object from the config module that will be
                        instantiated (default: "config").
  --persist_cache, -p   A flag to enable cache persistence (loading from and
                        dumping to a cache directory, see --cache_dir)
  --cache_dir CACHE_DIR, -c CACHE_DIR
                        Cache directory used to load/dump the cache (only
                        relevant if --persist_cache is set). Defaults to
  --cache_verbose, -v   A flag to enable verbose logging for the cache.
  --display_config, -d  A flag, if enabled, log the config as yaml string to
                        the console.
                        Comma separated list of strings that identify targets
                        to exclude from cache persistence. Use hydra_cached.ex
                        ecution.hydra.convert_target_to_string() to get the
                        correct string representation for a callable/class.
                        default: empty string
  --log_level LOG_LEVEL, -l LOG_LEVEL
                        Log level for the console logger. default: INFO

You can find a working example config in this repo.


A pipeline is defined in a Python module that contains at least one dict like object (default: config, see parameter --config_object) which may be arbitrary nested. The pipeline is executed by instantiating that config object, i.e. the config object is recursively processed by calling all values of keys _target_ as functions with the remaining key value pairs as keyword arguments, see method instantiate in for further details and additional special keys (like the _cache_result_ flag). This functionality is provided by the hydra package. However, the hydra instantiate method is slightly modified to allow for caching of intermediate results. By doing so, it is possible to reuse object definitions within one pipeline without the need to recalculate them. Per default, a simple in memory cache is used that will not be persisted.

Pipelines are intended to work without external parameters, e.g. all input/output locations are defined within the config. However, if necessary, you can use environment variables to parametrize the config.


Hydra instantiate, but cached!







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