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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

affects: core
affects: core
Issues/PRs that touch core and may need additional validation.
affects: PR/blocker
affects: PR/blocker
Issue/PR blocks another PR.
affects: release/blocker
affects: release/blocker
Issues/PRs that must be addressed before next official release.
affects: webhost
affects: webhost
Issues/PRs that touch webhost and may need additional validation.
is: bug/fix
is: bug/fix
Issues that are reporting bugs or pull requests that are fixing bugs.
is: documentation
is: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation.
is: enhancement
is: enhancement
Issues requesting new features or pull requests implementing new features.
is: maintenance
is: maintenance
Regular updates to requirements and utilities that do not fix bugs or change/add features.
is: new game
is: new game
Pull requests for implementing new games into Archipelago.
is: refactor/cleanup
is: refactor/cleanup
Improvements to code/output readability or organizization.
meta: duplicate
meta: duplicate
Issues or pull requests that already exist.
meta: good first issue
meta: good first issue
Good issues for new contributors to assist with.
meta: help wanted
meta: help wanted
Additional review/assistance is requested for these issues or pull requests.
meta: invalid
meta: invalid
Invalid issue or pull request for reasons not described in other labels.
meta: needs more info
meta: needs more info
Issues or pull requests that needs more information before it can be actioned.
meta: wontfix
meta: wontfix
Issues or pull requests that will not be actioned.
waiting-on: author
waiting-on: author
Issue/PR is waiting for feedback or changes from its author.
waiting-on: core-review
waiting-on: core-review
Issue/PR has been peer-reviewed and is ready to be merged or needs input from a core maintainer.
waiting-on: other
waiting-on: other
Issue/PR is waiting for something else, like another PR.
waiting-on: peer-review
waiting-on: peer-review
Issue/PR has not been reviewed by enough people yet.
waiting-on: world-maintainer
waiting-on: world-maintainer
Issue/PR is waiting for feedback or approval by the maintainer of a world.