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Ansible Role and Playbooks Test Driven Infrastructure with test kitchen


This provides a bootstrap for the test kitchen framework in corporation with vagrant and ansible. These are some of the following:

  • Testing all the individal roles created
  • Checking if the infrastructure functions properly with custom playbooks
  • Testing with multiple platforms
  • Testing with multiple suites

Folder Structure

  • .kitchen - files created by kitchen gem to manage its resources
  • files - files required for installation or storage
  • playbooks - ansible playbooks required for provisioning infrastructure
  • roles - files required by playbooks
  • templates - j2 conf files needed for running systemd services( as per required in ansible roles )
  • test - inspec files structured according to the suite they are supposed to run
  • requirements.yml - any role that you want to install should be mentioned here


  • Ruby 2.3.0
  • Ansible 2.3.2


  1. For installing the required gems:

    • Install bundler using gem install bundler
    • Run bundle install
  2. For installing the required roles:

    ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=./roles

Running Tests

The .kitchen.yml file is the entry point for all Kitchen CLI commands, here are the commands that you need:

  1. kitchen list - Lists all the images(docker) or plaforms(Vagrant VMs) that are specified in the .kitchen.yml file.
  2. kitchen create <platform> or kitchen create - Creates a temporary VM that can be viewed in VirtualBox or a temporary docker image, on which the infrastructure tests will be carried out.
  3. kitchen converge <platform> or kitchen converge - Converge is used to run the playbook or cookbook against which you are testing the infrastructure, it basically runs the playbook/cookbook on that machine.
  4. kitchen verify <platform> or kitchen verify - Verify tests your converged infrastructure against a test suite. Test suite contains the inspec tests that check if infrastructure is correctly built for a platform
  5. kitchen test <platform> or kitchen test - This step destroys, creates, converges and verifies a VM.
  6. kitchen login <platform> - To go inside a platform( or ssh to a box in real scenario), you can simply login using this.
  7. kitchen destroy <platform> or kitchen destroy - Removes the VM or image from history

NOTE - If you specify platforms in these commands, they run only for the mentioned platform. Otherwise, they run for all platforms in the .kitchen.yml.


  • Clone the repo
  • Work in your own branch and raise a PR
  • Follow the folder structure please