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AMrotor is an object-oriented matlab-based toolbox for rotor dynamics. The toolbox is built around the main component "rotor", which can be modeled with Timoshenko beam elements. Furthermore, various components are available, from simple static elements such as "disc" (additional mass and moment of inertia) or "bearing" (spring-damper elements) to active components such as "active magnetic bearings (AMB)" with "pidController". After creating the model and eventual application of external loads (or forces), several common analysis methods (FFT, FRF, Orbits, ...) can be performed.

This makes AMrotor an easy to use, flexible and powerful toolbox for fast tests as well as for sophisticated rotor models.

Documentation of the code

The documentation, necessary software and some useful examples can be found on ReadTheDocs under this link.


Paper with reference to the toolbox and more specific information about the mathematical background are:


AMrotor is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.