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Bill Hogan edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the apollo-sv wiki!

NOTE: we now need to make all edits in apollo-sv-edit.owl

creating a release:

  1. open apollo-sv-edit.owl
  2. update version IRI
  3. update versionInfo annotation
  4. save the file
  5. go to command line:
  6. from main folder (not in src/ or src/ontology!)
  7. robot merge --input src/ontology/apollo-sv-edit.owl --output apollo_sv.owl

Then commit and push

From the main apollo-sv directory

  1. git add src/ontology/apollo-sv-edit.owl
  2. git add apollo_sv.owl
  3. git commit -m "making new apollo-sv release"
  4. git push

Then make a release on the GitHub site

  1. go to repository, do usual release w/new tag
  2. upload apollo-sv.owl file to release