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This repository consists of two versions of a trie, a version of autocomplete, and a scrabble helper.

Set up

In order to use or test the code (using the below instructions), clone or download the repository. Then cd to the directory of the downloaded folder in your terminal.

cd /path/to/file


This implementation consists of a data-structural approach to a trie, using nodes and arrays.

Method Header:

// Provide a list of words upon initialization
class Trie(object):
    // add a word to trie
    def add(word)

    // remove a word from trie
    def remove(word)

    // find if a word exists in trie
    def find(word)

    // search all words with a prefix
    def search(prefix)

    // search all words with a prefix and how many times they occured
    def searchAndCount(prefix)


This implementation uses dictionaries to create a trie. Refer to my medium post for a visual explanation.

Method Header:

// Provide a list of words upon initialization
class Trie(object):
    // add a word to trie
    def add(word)

    // remove a word from trie
    def remove(word)

    // find if a word exists in trie
    def find(word)

    // search all words with a prefix
    def search(prefix)


This is implemented by using the trie to find words that begin with a certain prefix. This is done through the search function inside the Trie and DictTrie classes.

Method Header:

class Trie(object):

    // search all words with a prefix
    def search(prefix)

    // search all words with a prefix and how many times they occured
    def searchAndCount(prefix)

class DictTrie(object):

    // search all words with a prefix
    def search(prefix)

    // search all words with a prefix and how many times they occured
    def searchAndCount(prefix)


This is implemented by using the trie to find words that begin with a certain prefix and uses only the letters that a player has in their hand (provided by the player)

Method Header:

// Provide a list of words upon initialization to setup a trie with scrabble words
class Scrabble(object):
    // search all words with a prefix and only the letters given
    def findWords(prefix, letters)

Testing Trie and DictTrie with time (A Comparison)

In order to test the trie, run by entering

python yourPrefix

in the terminal. Replace yourPrefix with a prefix of your choice.

This will show you the time it took to set up the Trie, to find the words, and the total time.


Finding words with prefix 'axl'

Testing Trie:

Run the following command: python axl

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of axl: axle, axled, axlesmith, axletree
Initial setup time: 5.717141 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000019 sec
Total time elapsed: 5.717160 sec

Testing DictTrie:

Run the following command: python axl You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of axl: axle, axlesmith, axled, axletree
Initial setup time: 2.798699 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000088 sec
Total time elapsed: 2.798787 sec

Finding words with prefix 'apple'

Testing Trie:

Run the following command: python apple

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of apple: apple, appleberry, appleblossom, applecart, appledrane, applegrower, applejack, applejohn, applemonger, 
applenut, appleringy, appleroot, applesauce, applewife, applewoman
Initial setup time: 6.100565 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000053 sec
Total time elapsed: 6.100618 sec

Testing DictTrie:

Run the following command: python apple

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of apple: apple, applecart, appleberry, appleblossom, appledrane, applegrower, applejack, applejohn, applemonger, applenut, applesauce, appleringy, appleroot, applewife, applewoman
Initial setup time: 2.885114 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000064 sec
Total time elapsed: 2.885178 sec

Finding words with prefix 'zebra'

Testing Trie:

Run the following command: python zebra

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of zebra: zebra, zebraic, zebralike, zebrawood
Initial setup time: 5.750774 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000016 sec
Total time elapsed: 5.750790 sec

Testing DictTrie:

Run the following command: python zebra

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of zebra: zebra, zebraic, zebrawood, zebrass, zebralike
Initial setup time: 2.877124 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000061 sec
Total time elapsed: 2.877185 sec

Finding words with prefix 'code'

Testing Trie:

Run the following command: python code

You should get this result:

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of code: code, codebtor, codeclination, codecree, codefendant, codeine, codele, codelight, codelinquency, codelinq
uent, codenization, codeposit, coder, coderive, codescendant, codespairer, codex
Initial setup time: 5.750729 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000037 sec
Total time elapsed: 5.750766 sec

Testing DictTrie:

Run the following command: python code

You should get this result

Vocabulary size: 235886
Completions of code: code, codecree, codeclination, codebtor, codefendant, codeine, codelight, codelinquency, codelinquent, codeless, codenization, codeposit, codespairer, codescendant, coder, coderive, codex
Initial setup time: 2.847954 sec
Autocomplete time:  0.000067 sec
Total time elapsed: 2.848021 sec

As we can see, the trie implemented using dictionaries is much faster.

Testing Autocomplete in the terminal

Run the following command in your terminal: python Follow the instructions that are displayed in the terminal to use autocomplete.

Using Scrabble Helper

Run the following command in your terminal: python Follow the instructions that are displayed in the terminal to use autocomplete.


Implementation of a trie in 2 different ways, along with an autocomple program and a scrabble program that uses trie.






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