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AniketInge edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 2 revisions


Nano ORM: A simple, lightweight, easy to use, easy to understand ORM for .NET 4.5 and above

Features of NORM:

  1. It is simple to understand and use

  2. It is extensible via Managed Extensibility Framework

  3. It is lightweight (about 11KB in Debug build)


NORM can be installed in any project via Nuget Package Manager using the command

PM > Install-Package LostProtocol.NORM

NORM can map data from a query as well as a stored procedure.

NormDbConnection class establishes connection with the database and gets a database interaction object called Current.

the Current method contains 5 methods:

  1. ExecuteNonQuery which takes in two paramters command(A SQL statement) and paramters. It returns the number of rows affected.

  2. ExecuteQuery<T> which takes in two paramters command(A SQL statement) and paramters. It returns the first element from the result set, or returns default(T)

  3. ExecuteStoredProcedure<T> takes in two parameters spName(which is the stored procedure name) and parameters. It returns the first element from the result set, or returns default(T)

  4. ListExecuteQuery<T> is similar to ExecuteQuery<T> but returns the result set as IList<T>

  5. ListExecuteStoredProcedure<T> is similar to ExecuteStoredProcedure<T> but returns the result set as IList<T>

Lets say we have a Domain Model class like so:

class MTLog
    public string MTLogId {get;set;}
    public string UserId {get;set;}
    public string Sender { get; set; }
    public DateTime ProcessingTime { get; set; }

To use NORM to map data from DB:

var db = new NormDbConnection();
IList<MTLog> logs = db.Current.ListExecuteQuery<MTLog>(@"select MTLogId, UserId, Sender, ProcessingTime 
                                              from Table1 
                                              where Status=@Status", new{@Status="Sent"});

MTLog firstLog = db.Current.ExecuteQuery<MTLog>(@"select MTLogId, UserId, Sender, ProcessingTime 
                                              from Table1 
                                              where Status=@Status", new{@Status="Sent"});

Similary for Stored procedures:

var db = new NormDbConnection();
IList<MTLog> logs = db.Current.ListExecuteStoredProcedure<MTLog>("SP_NAME", new{@Status="Sent"});

MTLog firstLog = db.Current.ExecuteStoredProcedure<MTLog>("SP_NAME", new{@Status="Sent"});

// that's all folks

Caution !!

The Domain Model property names must match the database result set column names. In cases where that's not feasible, NORM allows you to specify the column name property:

class MTLog
    public string MTLogId {get;set;}
    public string UserId {get;set;}
    public string Sender { get; set; }

    public DateTime ProcessTime { get; set; }

The constructor for NormDbConnection takes 0, 1 or 2 arguments.

  1. new NormDbConnection() assumes there is a connection string named DefaultConnection defined in the .config file of the assembly. Also it sets the application name property while executing the query to NormApplication

However, if a connection string or connection name is mentioned for the Domain Model entity like:

class MTLog
    public string MTLogId {get;set;}
    public string UserId {get;set;}
    public string Sender { get; set; }
    public DateTime ProcessingTime { get; set; }


[NormEntity(ConnectionString ="connectionstring")]
class MTLog
    public string MTLogId {get;set;}
    public string UserId {get;set;}
    public string Sender { get; set; }
    public DateTime ProcessingTime { get; set; }

then that connection string will be used while executing Current object commands.

  1. new NormDbConnection(string connectionString) accepts a connection string, sets the application name property while executing the query to NormApplication

  2. new NormDbConnection(string connectionString, string applicationName) accepts a connection string as well as an application name

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