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SoftEther Autoinstaller

Please check the original softether-autoinstall by icoexist here.

This is icoexist SoftEther autoinstaller that I modified to fulfill my own need, in case you need the original autoinstaller please visit the original dev. This script will hopefully make your life a little easier. I have not made any modifications to the SoftEther VPN Project code at all, this script simply downloads the latest build and compiles it for use on your supported system.

To get started, all you have to do is copy/paste the provided code for your OS. The script will handle everything else for you. Refer to the Quick Start Guide if you need to get set up quickly. Also refer to the Commands List should you need them.

Install & Configure



Configure SoftEther VPN Server

Copyright & Credit

Supported Operating Systems (64-bit only)

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS +

wget -O se-install && chmod +x se-install && ./se-install

CentOS 7 (Currently depreciated, no longer in development)

curl -o se-install && chmod 770 se-install && ./se-install

Open Ports for SoftEther VPN


In terminal, execute the following:

ufw allow 443,1194,5555/tcp && ufw allow 500,1701,4500/udp

Please make sure you allow the port you use for SSH, otherwise you risk blocking inbound SSH connections. You can use ufw allow ssh or if you have set a custom port, use ufw enable x/tcp where x = port. For instance, if I use port 2222 for SSH, I'll use ufw allow 2222/tcp.

Now enable UFW with

ufw enable

Using Local Bridge Setting on SoftEther VPN

The Local Bridge Setting on SoftEther VPN allows you to run your own DHCP server on the VPN. This has much better performance than the built-in SecureNAT function. For instance, you can expect your Internet throughput speeds to increase by 100+ mbps (if your connection can handle it). It is important that you manually configure SoftEther VPN to use the new local bridge after setting this up. It will be outlined below.

By default, the IP addresses handed out by dnsmasq will be - The default gateway is

Local Bridge Custon DNS

If in some case you need to use a local or custom DNS for your VPN. It could be configured manually by adding this line in dnsmasq.conf

dhcp-option=6,,, (local DNS) (Cloudflare DNS) (Cloudflare DNS)

Installation (Ubuntu)

There's two methods of doing this. If you've already set up the SoftEther VPN Server, use the script below.

wget -O se-install && chmod +x se-install && ./se-install

If you are just now installing SoftEther VPN Server, then select option 1 when asked "Are you going to use the bridge option on the VPN server?".

SoftEther VPN Server Configuration

Disable SecureNAT

  • Open the SoftEther VPN Server Management Utility
  • Connect to your VPN server
  • Select the VPN hub (or whatever hub you use on the VPN server) and click “Manage Virtual Hub”
  • Click “Virtual NAT And Virtual DHCP Server (SecureNAT)”
  • Click Disable, then exit to main configuration screen

Create Local Bridge

  • Click “Local Bridge Setting”
  • Under “New Local Bridge Definition” select the VPN hub (or whatever hub you use on the VPN server)
  • Select the “Bridge with New Tap Device”
  • Name the device soft and click “Create Local Bridge”
  • Verify that the new device was create by running ifconfig tap_soft in a SSH terminal session. You should see something like this:

!Output example

Enable NAT and enable postrouting

We need to create a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ to enable ipv4 forwarding. Use the following command to create this file:

nano /etc/sysctl.d/ipv4_forwarding.conf

and insert the following into the file:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Again, save and close the file by hitting Ctrl + X then [ENTER].

Now we must enable this new option by issuing the following command: sysctl --system

Now we need to add a POSTROUTING rule to iptables to correctly route traffic and enable NAT. Please replace [YOUR VPS IP ADDRESS] with the public IP address of your server.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source [YOUR VPS IP ADDRESS]

This rule will exist until the next system reboot, so to keep it persistent we will install iptables-persistent

apt install iptables-persistent

Restart dnsmasq and SoftEther VPN Server

If everything above was done correctly, all we need to do now is to restart the DHCP server and the running SoftEther VPN server.

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart && /etc/init.d/vpnserver restart

Need help?

Check out the forum post here for a more in-depth explanation. If you can't seem to get your server to work at all, try running the install script again so you get a fresh start.

Uninstall SE-VPN Server [Ubuntu Only]

As of now, this bash script will only work with Ubuntu due to the use of update-rc.d.

wget -O se-uninstall && chmod 770 se-uninstall && ./se-uninstall

Update SE-VPN Server [Ubuntu Only]

wget -O se-update && chmod +x se-update && ./se-update

Configure SoftEther

Execute vpncmd

To execute SoftEther's cmd utility, use sudo /usr/local/vpnserver/vpncmd <-- This applies if you used my scripts. If you've installed SE yourself, find the vpnserver directory.

With vpncmd you are able to change every option in regard to SoftEther. It has the same exact purpose for the GUI version you can obtain on MacOS and Windows. I encourage people to use vpncmd because it can be easier than the GUI, plus there's no need to download anything since you can configure the entire server from an SSH session.

Set a server password

It is important that you set a server password. This should be the first thing you do after launching the vpncmd utility. To set a password, type serverpasswordset into your terminal after you've launched the vpncmd utility. For verification, you have to type the password twice.

Quick-start Guide

This section will provide you with a list of things to get you started with your VPN server. I'll have more commands listed below this section.

  1. Start the vpncmd utility with sudo /usr/local/vpncmd

  2. Set a server password with ServerPasswordSet

  3. Select the DEFAULT hub with hub default

  4. Create a new user with UserCreate | You can either use UserCreate or UserCreate [username]

  5. Set a password for the new user with UserPasswordSet | You can either use UserPasswordSet or UserPasswordSet [username]

  6. Enable SecureNAT for the DEFAULT hub with SecurenatEnable

    Optional: You can enable L2TP/IPsec with IpsecEnable. It is recommended that if you use this option, you only enable L2TP/IPsec. Do not enable RAW L2TP w/o encrpytion. You will be asked to set a pre-shared key for the IPsec server, you can use anything. I've used vpn as a pre-shared key for ages. Remember that this is NOT a password for the server or a user, so it's safe to use that. You'll also be asked for the default hub in the event that a user does not specify the hub to connect to in their username, you'll set this to default if you haven't changed any hub names. If you're more advanced user and have multiple hubs, you can specify what hub a user connects to by putting it in their username on the client. For instance icoexist@public or icoexist@hub2.

If everything was done properly, you're ready to use your new VPN server! To add new users, just launch the vpncmd utility and repeat steps 3 - 5.

Other Options

Change SoftEther Ports

You can change the ports that SoftEther VPN server will use to listen for incoming connections. If you're using the vpncmd utility, you can list the current ports with listenerlist.

ListenerCreate - Creates a new listener on a specified port
ListenerDelete - Deletes a listener on a specfied port
ListenerEnable - Enables a listener on a specified port
ListenerDisable - Disables a listener on a specified port

Manage Users & User Policies

SoftEther VPN server allows you to manage users and their policies. Below are some popular commands and descriptions on what they do. Remember that you first have to select a hub before you can manage users, as each hub has its own users.

UserList - Displays a list of users
UserGet [username] - Displays information on a specified user
UserCreate [username] - Creates a user
UserPasswordSet [username] - Sets a password for specified user
UserDelete - Deletes a specified user
UserPolicySet - Sets a policy for a specified user | It is recommended that you enable "Privacy Filter Mode" on all newly created users on the same hub, unless you WANT them to see each other. To do this, type UserPolicySet then when it asks for what policy, type PrivacyFilter. It will ask for the new value, to enable it enter 1, to disable it enter 0.
UserPolicyRemove - Removes a policy from a specified user

Manage Hubs & Hub Policies

SoftEther VPN server also allows you to manage virtual hubs and their policies. Below are some popular commands and descriptions on what they do. Remember that you first have to select a hub before you can manage it.

Hub [HubName] - Selects a hub for management
HubCreate [HubName] - Creates a new virtual hub
HubDelete [HubName] - Deletes a specified hub
HubList - Lists the virtual hubs on the VPN server
AdminOptionList - Get List of Virtual Hub Administration Options
AdminOptionSet - Set Values of Virtual Hub Administration Options

Commands List

About - Display the version information
AcAdd - Add Rule to Source IP Address Limit List (IPv4)
AcAdd6 - Add Rule to Source IP Address Limit List (IPv6)
AcDel - Delete Rule from Source IP Address Limit List
AcList - Get List of Rule Items of Source IP Address Limit List
AccessAdd - Add Access List Rules (IPv4)
AccessAdd6 - Add Access List Rules (IPv6)
AccessAddEx - Add Extended Access List Rules (IPv4: Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss Generating)
AccessAddEx6 - Add Extended Access List Rules (IPv6: Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss Generating)
AccessDelete - Delete Rule from Access List
AccessDisable - Disable Access List Rule
AccessEnable - Enable Access List Rule
AccessList - Get Access List Rule List
AdminOptionList - Get List of Virtual Hub Administration Options
AdminOptionSet - Set Values of Virtual Hub Administration Options
BridgeCreate - Create Local Bridge Connection
BridgeDelete - Delete Local Bridge Connection
BridgeDeviceList - Get List of Network Adapters Usable as Local Bridge
BridgeList - Get List of Local Bridge Connection
CAAdd - Add Trusted CA Certificate
CADelete - Delete Trusted CA Certificate
CAGet - Get Trusted CA Certificate
CAList - Get List of Trusted CA Certificates
Caps - Get List of Server Functions/Capability
CascadeAnonymousSet - Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Anonymous Authentication
CascadeCertGet - Get Client Certificate to Use for Cascade Connection
CascadeCertSet - Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Client Certificate Authentication
CascadeCompressDisable - Disable Data Compression when Communicating by Cascade Connection
CascadeCompressEnable - Enable Data Compression when Communicating by Cascade Connection
CascadeCreate - Create New Cascade Connection
CascadeDelete - Delete Cascade Connection Setting
CascadeDetailSet - Set Advanced Settings for Cascade Connection
CascadeEncryptDisable - Disable Encryption when Communicating by Cascade Connection
CascadeEncryptEnable - Enable Encryption when Communicating by Cascade Connection
CascadeGet - Get the Cascade Connection Setting
CascadeList - Get List of Cascade Connections
CascadeOffline - Switch Cascade Connection to Offline Status
CascadeOnline - Switch Cascade Connection to Online Status
CascadePasswordSet - Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Password Authentication
CascadePolicySet - Set Cascade Connection Session Security Policy
CascadeProxyHttp - Set Connection Method of Cascade Connection to be via an HTTP Proxy Server
CascadeProxyNone - Specify Direct TCP/IP Connection as the Connection Method of Cascade Connection
CascadeProxySocks - Set Connection Method of Cascade Connection to be via an SOCKS Proxy Server
CascadeRename - Change Name of Cascade Connection
CascadeServerCertDelete - Delete the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection
CascadeServerCertDisable - Disable Cascade Connection Server Certificate Verification Option
CascadeServerCertEnable - Enable Cascade Connection Server Certificate Verification Option
CascadeServerCertGet - Get the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection
CascadeServerCertSet - Set the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection
CascadeSet - Set the Destination for Cascade Connection
CascadeStatusGet - Get Current Cascade Connection Status
CascadeUsernameSet - Set User Name to Use Connection of Cascade Connection
Check - Check whether SoftEther VPN Operation is Possible
ClusterConnectionStatusGet - Get Connection Status to Cluster Controller
ClusterMemberCertGet - Get Cluster Member Certificate
ClusterMemberInfoGet - Get Cluster Member Information
ClusterMemberList - Get List of Cluster Members
ClusterSettingController - Set VPN Server Type as Cluster Controller
ClusterSettingGet - Get Clustering Configuration of Current VPN Server
ClusterSettingMember - Set VPN Server Type as Cluster Member
ClusterSettingStandalone - Set VPN Server Type as Standalone
ConfigGet - Get the current configuration of the VPN Server
ConfigSet - Write Configuration File to VPN Server
ConnectionDisconnect - Disconnect TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server
ConnectionGet - Get Information of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server
ConnectionList - Get List of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server
Crash - Raise a error on the VPN Server / Bridge to terminate the process forcefully.
CrlAdd - Add a Revoked Certificate
CrlDel - Delete a Revoked Certificate
CrlGet - Get a Revoked Certificate
CrlList - Get List of Certificates Revocation List
Debug - Execute a Debug Command
DhcpDisable - Disable Virtual DHCP Server Function of SecureNAT Function
DhcpEnable - Enable Virtual DHCP Server Function of SecureNAT Function
DhcpGet - Get Virtual DHCP Server Function Setting of SecureNAT Function
DhcpSet - Change Virtual DHCP Server Function Setting of SecureNAT Function
DhcpTable - Get Virtual DHCP Server Function Lease Table of SecureNAT Function
DynamicDnsGetStatus - Show the Current Status of Dynamic DNS Function
DynamicDnsSetHostname - Set the Dynamic DNS Hostname
EtherIpClientAdd - Add New EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting to Accept EthreIP / L2TPv3 Client Devices
EtherIpClientDelete - Delete an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting
EtherIpClientList - Get the Current List of EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Device Entry Definitions
ExtOptionList - Get List of Virtual Hub Extended Options
ExtOptionSet - Set a Value of Virtual Hub Extended Options
Flush - Save All Volatile Data of VPN Server / Bridge to the Configuration File
GroupCreate - Create Group
GroupDelete - Delete Group
GroupGet - Get Group Information and List of Assigned Users
GroupJoin - Add User to Group
GroupList - Get List of Groups
GroupPolicyRemove - Delete Group Security Policy
GroupPolicySet - Set Group Security Policy
GroupSet - Set Group Information
GroupUnjoin - Delete User from Group
Hub - Select Virtual Hub to Manage
HubCreate - Create New Virtual Hub
HubCreateDynamic - Create New Dynamic Virtual Hub (For Clustering)
HubCreateStatic - Create New Static Virtual Hub (For Clustering)
HubDelete - Delete Virtual Hub
HubList - Get List of Virtual Hubs
HubSetDynamic - Change Virtual Hub Type to Dynamic Virtual Hub
HubSetStatic - Change Virtual Hub Type to Static Virtual Hub
IPsecEnable - Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function
IPsecGet - Get the Current IPsec VPN Server Settings
IpDelete - Delete IP Address Table Entry
IpTable - Get the IP Address Table Database
KeepDisable - Disable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function
KeepEnable - Enable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function
KeepGet - Get the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function
KeepSet - Set the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function
LicenseAdd - Add License Key Registration
LicenseDel - Delete Registered License
LicenseList - Get List of Registered Licenses
LicenseStatus - Get License Status of Current VPN Server
ListenerCreate - Create New TCP Listener
ListenerDelete - Delete TCP Listener
ListenerDisable - Stop TCP Listener Operation
ListenerEnable - Begin TCP Listener Operation
ListenerList - Get List of TCP Listeners
LogDisable - Disable Security Log or Packet Log
LogEnable - Enable Security Log or Packet Log
LogFileGet - Download Log file
LogFileList - Get List of Log Files
LogGet - Get Log Save Setting of Virtual Hub
LogPacketSaveType - Set Save Contents and Type of Packet to Save to Packet Log
LogSwitchSet - Set Log File Switch Cycle
MacDelete - Delete MAC Address Table Entry
MacTable - Get the MAC Address Table Database
MakeCert - Create New X.509 Certificate and Private Key (1024 bit)
MakeCert2048 - Create New X.509 Certificate and Private Key (2048 bit)
NatDisable - Disable Virtual NAT Function of SecureNAT Function
NatEnable - Enable Virtual NAT Function of SecureNAT Function
NatGet - Get Virtual NAT Function Setting of SecureNAT Function
NatSet - Change Virtual NAT Function Setting of SecureNAT Function
NatTable - Get Virtual NAT Function Session Table of SecureNAT Function
Offline - Switch Virtual Hub to Offline
Online - Switch Virtual Hub to Online
OpenVpnEnable - Enable / Disable OpenVPN Clone Server Function
OpenVpnGet - Get the Current Settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function
OpenVpnMakeConfig - Generate a Sample Setting File for OpenVPN Client
OptionsGet - Get Options Setting of Virtual Hubs
PolicyList - Display List of Security Policy Types and Settable Values
RadiusServerDelete - Delete Setting to Use RADIUS Server for User Authentication
RadiusServerGet - Get Setting of RADIUS Server Used for User Authentication
RadiusServerSet - Set RADIUS Server to use for User Authentication
Reboot - Reboot VPN Server Service
RouterAdd - Define New Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterDelete - Delete Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterIfAdd - Add Virtual Interface to Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterIfDel - Delete Virtual Interface of Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterIfList - Get List of Interfaces Registered on the Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterList - Get List of Virtual Layer 3 Switches
RouterStart - Start Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation
RouterStop - Stop Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation
RouterTableAdd - Add Routing Table Entry for Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterTableDel - Delete Routing Table Entry of Virtual Layer 3 Switch
RouterTableList - Get List of Routing Tables of Virtual Layer 3 Switch
SecureNatDisable - Disable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function)
SecureNatEnable - Enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function)
SecureNatHostGet - Get Network Interface Setting of Virtual Host of SecureNAT Function
SecureNatHostSet - Change Network Interface Setting of Virtual Host of SecureNAT Function
SecureNatStatusGet - Get the Operating Status of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function)
ServerCertGet - Get SSL Certificate of VPN Server
ServerCertRegenerate - Generate New Self-Signed Certificate with Specified CN (Common Name) and Register on VPN Server
ServerCertSet - Set SSL Certificate and Private Key of VPN Server
ServerCipherGet - Get the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication.
ServerCipherSet - Set the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication.
ServerInfoGet - Get server information
ServerKeyGet - Get SSL Certificate Private Key of VPN Server
ServerPasswordSet - Set VPN Server Administrator Password
ServerStatusGet - Get Current Server Status
SessionDisconnect - Disconnect Session
SessionGet - Get Session Information
SessionList - Get List of Connected Sessions
SetEnumAllow - Allow Enumeration by Virtual Hub Anonymous Users
SetEnumDeny - Deny Enumeration by Virtual Hub Anonymous Users
SetHubPassword - Set Virtual Hub Administrator Password
SetMaxSession - Set the Max Number of Concurrently Connected Sessions for Virtual Hub
SstpEnable - Enable / Disable Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function
SstpGet - Get the Current Settings of Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function
StatusGet - Get Current Status of Virtual Hub
SyslogDisable - Disable syslog Send Function
SyslogEnable - Set syslog Send Function
SyslogGet - Get syslog Send Function
TrafficClient - Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Client Mode
TrafficServer - Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Server Mode
UserAnonymousSet - Set Anonymous Authentication for User Auth Type
UserCertGet - Get Certificate Registered for Individual Certificate Authentication User
UserCertSet - Set Individual Certificate Authentication for User Auth Type and Set Certificate
UserCreate - Create User
UserDelete - Delete User
UserExpiresSet - Set User's Expiration Date
UserGet - Get User Information
UserList - Get List of Users
UserNTLMSet - Set NT Domain Authentication for User Auth Type
UserPasswordSet - Set Password Authentication for User Auth Type and Set Password
UserPolicyRemove - Delete User Security Policy
UserPolicySet - Set User Security Policy
UserRadiusSet - Set RADIUS Authentication for User Auth Type
UserSet - Change User Information
UserSignedSet - Set Signed Certificate Authentication for User Auth Type
VpnAzureGetStatus - Show the current status of VPN Azure function
VpnAzureSetEnable - Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function
VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable - Enable / Disable the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Server Function
VpnOverIcmpDnsGet - Get Current Setting of the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Function

Copyright & Credit

The SoftEther VPN Project is managed by Daiyuu Nobori, the creator and owner of the SoftEther VPN Project. You can find their stable GitHub repo here:
The SoftEther VPN Developer branch is located here:

I have not modified the code of the SoftEther VPN Project itself. I simply provide an installer that will make your life just a little easier. The original softether-autoinstall by icoexist is here :

For reference, their copyright statement is below.

Copyright (c) SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, Japan.

The development of SoftEther VPN was supported by the MITOH Project,
a research and development project by Japanese Government,
subsidized by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan),
administrated by IPA (Information Promotion Agency, Japan).

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.


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