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In the scope of my project, I am tasked with addressing a real-world organizational scenario within the selected Data Dictionary. The following steps outline my approach:

A. Description of Organizational Situation or Issue:

Relevant Question: I pose a key question pertinent to the chosen data set, which will be addressed later in the task through statistical analysis techniques such as chi-square.

Stakeholder Benefits: I elaborate on how stakeholders within the organization stand to gain insights through an in-depth analysis of the data.

Identification of Relevant Data: I identify and delineate all data elements within the chosen set that bear relevance to addressing the question posed in part A1.

B. Data Analysis:

Code for Analysis: I employ Python to develop code for conducting a chi-square analysis on the data set.

Output and Results: I present the output and results derived from the chi-square analysis, showcasing any pertinent calculations.

Justification of Technique: I elucidate the rationale behind opting for the chi-square analysis technique, substantiating its appropriateness for the identified question.

C. Univariate Statistics: I delve into the distribution of two continuous variables and two categorical variables using univariate statistics. The findings are visually represented in the submission.

D. Bivariate Statistics: I scrutinize the distribution of two continuous variables and two categorical variables using bivariate statistics. These findings are also visually represented as part of the submission.

##Through this comprehensive approach, my work aims to provide a robust analysis of the organizational situation or issue, offering valuable insights to stakeholders and fostering informed decision-making within the organization.