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Contributors Examples

AliSoftware edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

Usage examples from other people's projects or gists

What this page is about

In case you haven't read it already, you can find some "official" usage examples in this wiki page, showing short snippets and specific use cases.

But if you're looking for more in-depth examples or what people do with this library, or want to share how you use OHHTTPStubs in your project or the configuration you use, feel free to enrich this wiki page to share your own examples with the community.

Usage examples of OHHTTPStubs

Feel free to edit this page to add your own examples there

Search on GitHub

There's a lot of Open-Source projects using OHHTTPStubs, so the first thing I'd suggest you to do if you want to see how people use OHHTTPStubs in actual projects is to simply do a search on GitHub about it. You'll find plenty of examples to start with there!

Simulating random error conditions

Even though OHHTTPStubs is used by a lot of people mainly to write Unit Tests, where things have to be pretty deterministic, it's also useful to use OHHTTPStubs in your actual application target to simulate a server, either because the real server or endpoint is still being developed and isn't ready yet, or because you have to do a demo of your application but are not sure you're gonna have any network in the room or conference where you're doing the demo.

In those cases, it could then also be nice to simulate real network conditions, where you can have random network failures but only some of the time. It's then nice to randomise the responses returned by your stubs to integrate random errors there to be more realising.

Here's a snippet of how you can achieve such effect:

stub(condition: ) { _ in
  /// Create some Chaos!
  switch Int(arc4random_uniform(20)) {
  case 1:
    let notConnectedError = NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: URLError.notConnectedToInternet.rawValue, userInfo: nil)
    return OHHTTPStubsResponse(error: notConnectedError)
  case 2:
    let timeOutError = NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: URLError.timedOut.rawValue, userInfo: nil)
    return OHHTTPStubsResponse(error: timeOutError)
  case 3:
    let unavailable = NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: URLError.cannotConnectToHost.rawValue, userInfo:nil)
    return OHHTTPStubsResponse(error: unavailable)
    // But most of the time return the valid stubbed data instead of simulating an error
    let stubPath = OHPathForFile("my-stub.json", type(of: self))!
    return fixture(filePath: stubPath, headers: ["Content-Type":"application/json"])

Using a dictionary to list stubs and integrating with Swagger

Here's a gist by @wwe-johndpope showing:

  • the usage of a dictionary to list the absolute URLs to stub and their corresponding local JSON files to stub the request with
  • the use of Swagger APIs to get examples from a Swagger documentation and use them as stubs for your requests