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@AliSoftware AliSoftware released this 04 Apr 17:55
· 152 commits to master since this release
  • Made Swift 3 the default. master is now compatible with 3.0 and 3.1.
  • The pod 'OHHTTPStubs/Swift' subspec now includes the URLSession and JSON subspecs.
  • Added some matchers to the Swift APIs: hasBody(…), pathEndsWith(…) and pathMatches(…).


  • Bumping this version to 6.0.0 because it's now using the Swift 3 APIs,
    but in practice it's entirely retro-compatible with previous 5.2.3-swift3 branch
  • This version is still compatible with Swift 2.3 when integrating with CocoaPods, as CocoaPods uses the same SWIFT_VERSION as your app project does so it adapts automatically and it's transparent for users.
  • If you're using Carthage though, we stopped providing Swift-2.3-specific branches ourselves (too much maintainance work), but if you still need Swift 2.3 compatibility, you can follow the tips in the installation instructions of the