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AliSoftware edited this page Mar 27, 2012 · 1 revision

What's this

This class allows you to automate the localization (translation) of your interface (XIB files) without any additional code in your application!

To use this, you only need to add AutoNibL10n.h and .m in your project and… that's all!

Then in your XIB file, when you use a key of your Localizable.strings in the text of any element (title of an UIButton, text of a UILabel, …), it will be automatically translated on the fly at runtime.

  • You don't need to have one XIB file by language/locale any more!
  • You don't need to have an IBOutlet to all of your XIB objects just to translate their text manually!

All you have to do is use the identifiers/keys that you have declared in your Localizable.string in your XIB.

BEFORE, if you wanted to have a single XIB file:

  • you needed an "IBOutlet UILabel* myLabel"
  • you needed to write some code like "myLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(@"mytext",@"Text of my label");

NOW, you just need to:

  • set the text of your label to "mytext" directly in InterfaceBuilder in your XIB file
  • no need to add an IBOutlet nor write any code!

How it works

This class uses method swizzling to intercept the calls to awakeFromNib and automatically localize any objet created/extracted from a XIB file by the runtime. The method swizzling is done automatically when your application is loaded in memory, so you don't even to add code to install this: the only presence of the AutoXibL10n.m file in your project make everything magic!


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