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A library of basic matrix operations implemented using only standard library functions. Currently supports initialization using the C++ guidelines of the Rule of Five, as well as matrix multiplication, addition, subtraction, and transpose operations. The user can choose to handle matrix multiplication either synchronously or asynchronously using multithreading.

Project Files


matrix_library.hpp contains the base Matrix class and function definitions


identity_matrix.hpp contains a derived class of the Matrix class with several overriden functions


concurrency_utils.hpp contains utility functions used for multi-threaded matrix multiplication


main.cpp contains driver code that processes user command line arguments, and runs one of two different test functions


test_cases.cpp contains unit testing code that runs a series of matrix operations and verifies their correctness, using GoogleTest framework

Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make

Running Instructions

.\matrixLib <num_threads> <type> <rows> <cols>

Where num_threads is the number of threads to use for matrix multiplication, type is the data type of the matrices used for the timed multiplication test, and rows and cols are the dimensions of the matrix used for the timed multiplication test. Possible input values for the type argument include:

  • i: integer
  • d: double
  • f: float
  • l: long
  • s: short

Example command line input: ./matrixLib 3 i 50 40 will run a timed multiplication test between a randomly generated 50 by 40 integer matrix and its own transpose using 3 threads. It will also run the same calculation using a single thread, and the computations will be outputted.

Example command line input: ./matrixLib will run a series of small tests which covers all the included functionalities of the Matrix class.

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To run the unit tests:

  1. cd build/test/bin
  2. ./TestCases

The unit test results will be displayed in terminal.

Current Limitations

  • Does not support operations between Matrix objects instantitated using different types, e.g. an integer Matrix and a double Matrix.
  • Matrix representation is in the form of a vector of vectors. This could potentially be further optimized to only use a 1D data structure along with a stride, which can improve time complexity involved in operations.


A library of basic matrix operations implemented using standard library functions






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