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Dashboard programed in python and made with Streamlit framework. Shows a brief information about COVID-19 status in Colombia.

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Dashboard programed in python and made with Streamlit framework. Shows a brief information about COVID-19 status in Colombia based in open data taken from GOV.CO. All data in the csv file is procesed and cleaned with the pandas library, graphics are construted with plotly library and finally, everything is showing up locally with the streamlit framework. You can see a demo in the heroku app and to know more info, visit: AlejandroZZ website.

Running locally

To run this dashboard on you PC, go to the local address where you will save the project, open a bash/windows console there and follow this steps:

1. Clone this repository

  git clone

2. Install the required packages

  cd COVID-19_Dashboard
  pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run the Streamlit server

  streamlit run

After running the previous line, a message like the next one should be printed in your console and a pop-up window will open in your default browser.

  You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

  Local URL: http://localhost:8501
  Network URL:

The numbers after the colon (8501) are the port where the app is been executed. The app can be stopped at anytime by pressing ctrl + C in the console

Note: The information showed in the streamlit app is the one read in the "Casos_positivos_de_COVID-19_en_Colombia.csv" file, this is a short data set for probing it. You can go to the complete dataset and download it by clicking on the "export" link and then choosing the CSV option. Replace the old dataset by coping the .csv file downloaded and pasting it in the "COVID-19_Dashboard" folder.

Everytime any change is done, a message in the upper right corner of your app (in the browser) will appers showing the option to rerun the app. But before doing this, read the next section "Clearing cache".

Clearing cache

Because the code uses the streamlit.chache utility, when updating the CSV data, you must clear the streamlit cache before reruning the app. The chache can be cleared with a built-in menu in the streamlit app (hidden by default in the code). To display it just comment the line 282 and run again the app.

        282   st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)

A "hamburguer menu" should apper at the upper right corner, click it and select the "clear cache" option. Then rerun the app and you will see the updated information.

Using Ngrok to share with others

Once you have runned correctly the app in your computer, you can share it with other people by using ngrok service. Just follow this steps:

1. Download ngrok: Download the file to your Downloads folder and then extract it in a folder. It will make a folder like "ngrok_2.0.19_windows_386" and in that folder, you will find a single file named ngrok.exe. You can put this file anywhere on your computer but for now we will just execute it from the Downloads folder.

2. Execute it: Make sure your Streamlit application is up and running and then open up the folder unzipped. Then use the follow command

For windows

  ngrok http 8501

For Linux

  ./ngrok http 8501

The four numbers (8501) are the port where the Stramlit app is been executing. Finally it will shows a message like this:

  Tunnel Status       online                                            
  Version             2.0.19/2.0.19                                     
  Web Interface                             
  Forwarding -> localhost:XXXX        
  Forwarding -> localhost:XXXX       

  Connections         ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90       
                      0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 

Use the link provide ( to share with others. This link will be available for 7 hours or until you stop the app.


Dashboard programed in python and made with Streamlit framework. Shows a brief information about COVID-19 status in Colombia.







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