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AI, KAFKA, Big-Data Data-Engineering and Distributions


  • Kafka
  • Kafka sending data using REST API
  • Kafka Consumer and Producer
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Virtualization
  • Machine Learing
  • Simple AI project

Steps to run in your machine for Kafka

clone the repo

Run as following to Start the Kafka

Go to your Kafka dir

\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\

\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\

Run the project

Open the project in any Ide, then run as spring boot appication

Try Chnage your Tpoic name as you wish. Here we used "alanbinu"

Try the following in any API builder



	"message":"It works. Thanks Alan"

To see the Data from Kafka, follow the below steps

Go to the Kafka Dir, then the run the following command

bin\windows\ --topic <ENTER_YOUR_TOPIC_NAME> --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:<KAFKA_LOCALHOST_PORT>

Steps to run in your machine for Data Virtulization, Machine Learing or Data Cleaning

clone the repo

Follow the steps

Install Jupyter Notebook : Open Jupyter Notebook and the open the file you need to run and then Click on the "Run from Start"

Hope you liked this project, dont forget to ⭐ the repo.