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Aito Grocery Store Demo App

There are two hosted versions of the app

Link Branch Description
Simple master Starting point. Simple functionality without Aito-integration
Aito-integrated smart Integrates to Aito and provides personalised features. The app has been modified to use the 2nd iterations of each excercise.


  • Install
  • Then go to the project directory and run the following commands
  • npm install
  • npm start


This demo app has been created by for the purpose of showing features and functionalities of the managed predictive database. The application was originally created for Hacktalks Helsinki, on November the 22nd of November 2018. The app is for demonstration purposes only, so many special cases and error handling have been omitted in favour of readability and simplicity.

The demo software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, so it can be cloned and modified at will. It can therefore be used as a template Aito client application. We accept pull requests in case you find something obvious missing or broken.

The exercise

The application acts as a template for the Hacktalks workshop. The purpose is to have a very simple, yet somewhat useful application, which we make progressively smarter by moving over the functionality to Aito. The aim is to show how easy it is to improve the application by using Aito.

The data

For the scope of this exercise, there is only a limited data set with 42 products available. The analytics data has been generated automatically, by simulating a few months of "life". See Data generator for more. If you want to regenerate the data, see Running generator.

The low number of products is intentional to restrict the scope and make the examples easy to understand. Applying machine learning to such a limited set of products comes with certain restrictions, and the results reflect these facts.

You can see the full product list via this link in src/data/products.json.

The aim of this demo is not to show you how Aito is able to handle large datasets, but rather how a very basic grocery store app could be built and made intelligent by using Aito.

Data setup diagram

The aito schema is at src/data/schema.json.

Table Description Number of entries
users All known users. Key users: larry, veronica, alice 3
products All the products in the store 42
sessions Each session/visit per user 168
impressions All products a user has seen in a session, and if they bought it or not. 3360


The exercises are focusing on these features:

  • Recommendations based on the users’ previous shopping behaviour
  • Dynamic recommendations – Aito won’t show you any recommendations if the products are already in your shopping basket
  • Smart search: Aito recognises the users’ dietary restrictions and preferences, and shows search results accordingly
    • E.g. when lactose-free Larry search for milk, only lactose-free options are shown


Exercise 1: Smart search

  • Open src/01-search.js
  • Edit the code so that it executes an Aito query, below you can find a few examples

1st iteration

Query which does a simple text matching without personalisation.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getProductSearchResults(userId, inputValue) {
  return'', {
    from: 'products',
    where: {
      $or: [
        { name: { $match: inputValue } },
        { tags: { $match: inputValue } }
    limit: 5
  }, {
    headers: { 'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9' },
    .then(response => {

2nd iteration

Query which personalises the results based on the user's previous shopping behavior.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getProductSearchResults(userId, inputValue) {
  return'', {
    from: 'impressions',
    where: {
      '': { "$match": inputValue },
      'session.user': userId
    recommend: 'product',
    goal: { 'purchase': true },
    limit: 5
  }, {
    headers: { 'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9' },
    .then(response => {

Exercise 2: Recommend products

  • Open src/02-recommend.js
  • Edit the code so that it executes an Aito query, below you can find a few examples

1st iteration

This query returns products which are not in the current shopping basket, but the results are not personalised for a single user. The returned products would be the most popular products across users.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getRecommendedProducts(userId, currentShoppingBasket, count) {
  return'', {
    from: 'impressions',
    where: {
      '': {
        $and: => ({ $not: })),
    recommend: 'product',
    goal: { 'purchase': true },
    limit: count
  }, {
    headers: { 'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9' },
    .then(result => {

2nd iteration

We simply add 'session.user': String(userId) filter in the query, to get personalised results.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getRecommendedProducts(userId, currentShoppingBasket, count) {
  return'', {
    from: 'impressions',
    where: {
      'session.user': String(userId),
      '': {
        $and: => ({ $not: })),
    recommend: 'product',
    goal: { 'purchase': true },
    limit: count
  }, {
    headers: {
      'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9'
    .then(result => {

Exercise 3: Get tag suggestions

1st iteration

Query which predicts the most likely tags for a given product name.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getTagSuggestions(productName) {
  return'', {
    from: 'products',
    where: {
      name: productName
    predict: 'tags',
    exclusiveness: false,
    limit: 3
  }, {
    headers: { 'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9' },
    .then(response => {
      return => hit.feature)

2nd iteration

This iteration can be useful in some cases. We add a filter for the probability, to get only the tags we're most confident about.

import axios from 'axios'

export function getTagSuggestions(productName) {
  return'', {
    from: 'products',
    where: {
      name: productName
    predict: 'tags',
    exclusiveness: false,
    limit: 10
  }, {
    headers: {
      'x-api-key': 'bc4Ck3nDwM1ILVjNahNJL8hPEAzCes8t2vGMUyo9'
    .then(response => {
        .filter(e => e.$p > 0.5)  // Filter out results which are not very strong
        .map(hit => hit.feature)

Data generator

Source data files are src/data/products.json and src/data/preferences.json.

  • products.json Contains all products in the shop
  • preferences.json Describes a tag-based configuration of what products users like

If you want to regenerate the data, see Running generator.

Step 1: weekly schedule

Based on preferences.json, we generate a weekly schedule for each user. The schedule describes what products the user will purchase each day.

When generating the weekly schedule, we first create a pool of potential products the user might purchase on any day. This will be generated based on the tag and howMuchThePersonLikesTheseProducts in the preferences.json. If a tag is not listed in preferences.json, the products with that tag won't be added to the pool (unless the product has another tag which is listed in preferences.json).

Number 1 in howMuchThePersonLikesTheseProducts means that we'll add each product with that tag once to the pool of the potential products the user could purchase. Number 5 would mean we add each product 5 times in the potential product pool. As an example, if we had this config:

  { "tag": "milk", "howMuchPersonLikesTheseProducts": 1 },
  { "tag": "candy", "howMuchPersonLikesTheseProducts": 2 }

and there would be only 2 products in the whole shop:

  { "id": 1, "name": "Milk 1 liter", "tags": "milk" },
  { "id": 2, "name": "Candy 200g", "tags": "candy" }

The potential product pool would look like this:

  { "id": 1, "name": "Milk 1 liter", "tags": "milk" },
  { "id": 2, "name": "Candy 200g", "tags": "candy" },
  { "id": 2, "name": "Candy 200g", "tags": "candy" }

For each day, we specified amount of products randomly from the potential product pool. It's random, and with good/bad luck the user could buy only 10x Candy 200g.

Tags might have overlapping products, but the generator doesn't compansate this in any way.

This output will be saved under src/data/generated directory. It's automatically generated file, but it won't be uploaded to Aito.

Step 2: sessions and impressions

Based on weeklySchedule.json, we simulate 8 weeks of "life", where users visit (1 visit = 1 session) the grocery store each day. On each visit, the user sees for example 20 products, and purchases 10 of them. Whenever user sees a product, it's called an impression. The impression may have two outcomes: either they purchase the product or not.

On each visit, the user sees more products than they actually purchase. The products which user does not purchase, are randomly selected from the products which are missing from their potential product pool.

The output files users.json, impressions.json and sessions.json will be saved under src/data/aito directory. src/data/products.json is also copied under the same directory. Each file in the directory corresponds one table in Aito.

Running generator

To generate the data, you can use a commandline tool. The tool will pretty print the generated data in a format which might be a bit more readable then the raw output json files. The normal workflow goes like this:

  1. Run node src/generator/index.js --info to understand what tags and products are available
  2. Update products.json or preferences.json
  3. Regenerate everything
  4. Make sure the generated weeklySchedules.json looks as expected. It is generated based on preferences.json.

Regenerate everything

node src/generator/index.js

List all tags and products

This is useful when creating new user "taste" profiles.

node src/generator/index.js --info

Regenerate only the weeklySchedule.json

This is more useful for debugging the process.

node src/generator/index.js --only-weekly-schedules

See help

node src/generator/index.js -h