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AC-CommonLib is a comprehensive utility library designed to streamline the development of plugins for the AirshipCraft: Reborn (AC:R) project. It provides a broad API to simplify common tasks and implement advanced features with minimal boilerplate.


The library encapsulates a wide range of functionalities including, but not limited to:

  • Particle Systems: Easy creation and management of particle effects.
  • Custom Enchantments: Framework for adding and handling custom enchantments.
  • NMS Operations: Utilities for interacting with Minecraft's native code (NMS) to extend beyond Bukkit's API.
  • Command Framework: Simplified command creation with annotated methods and automatic registration.
  • GUI Management: Framework for creating and managing GUIs.
  • Configuration Management: Simplified configuration management (see configuration guide).

Getting Started


Ensure that you have Maven installed and configured correctly to manage dependencies.

Adding AC-CommonLib as a Dependency

To include AC-CommonLib in your project, add the following dependency snippet to your pom.xml file:


Replace VERSION with the latest version of AC-CommonLib.


Add the following repository to your pom.xml to fetch AC-CommonLib:


For snapshot builds, add this as well:



After adding AC-CommonLib as a dependency, you can begin utilizing its APIs in your plugin. Here's a simple example of creating a custom particle effect:

import tk.airshipcraft.commonlib.particles.ParticleEffectManager;

// ...



We welcome contributions to AC-CommonLib. If you have a feature request, bug report, or a pull request, please submit them to our issue tracker or repository.

Building from Source

To compile AC-CommonLib, clone the repository and run mvn clean install.

git clone
cd AC-CommonLib
mvn clean install

This will build the library and install it to your local Maven repository.

Quick Note About GUI Related Classes

(will be moving this into the docs eventually but leaving this as a footnote for now)

The primary difference between the UiDesigner and GuiBuilder classes lies in their design philosophy, usage, and functionality.

  1. Design Philosophy and Usage:
  • UiDesigner: This class is an abstract class meant to be extended. It provides a foundation for designing user interfaces but expects subclasses to implement specific behaviors, particularly in the addClickAction method. It's more about setting up a framework for UI management and allowing for extension and customization.
  • GuiBuilder: This class follows the builder pattern. It's designed for direct use and allows for creating a GUI by chaining method calls. It provides a more straightforward and concise way to build GUIs without needing to extend or override methods.
  1. Functionality:
  • UiDesigner:
    • Includes static methods to create a GUI (createGUI) and to trigger actions based on inventory clicks across all subclasses (callClickAction).
    • Provides methods for managing inventory slots (setSlot, fillSlots, setBorder, setFiller), as well as for clearing and opening inventories.
    • Requires subclasses to define the behavior for click actions, making it more flexible for different use cases.
  • GuiBuilder:
    • Focuses solely on building an inventory GUI.
    • Provides methods for adding items to specific slots (setItem) and for building the final inventory (build).
    • More suited for straightforward GUI creation without the need for handling click actions or other interactive elements.
  1. When to Use:
  • Use UiDesigner when:
    • You need a comprehensive system for UI management across multiple plugins or modules.
    • You require a framework that can be extended to define specific behaviors for different types of UIs.
    • You want to manage click actions and other interactive elements in a centralized way.
  • Use GuiBuilder when:
    • You need a simple and straightforward way to create a GUI.
    • Your focus is more on the appearance and item placement within the GUI, rather than handling interactions.
    • You prefer a clean and chainable method to build GUIs without the need for subclassing or extending.

Both classes serve different purposes and can coexist in a larger system, each being used where its strengths are most beneficial. The UiDesigner is more about setting up a system for UI interaction, while the GuiBuilder is about quickly and efficiently creating GUIs.


AC-CommonLib is released under the MIT License.


  • Thanks to all the contributors who have helped shape AC-CommonLib.
  • Special thanks to the PaperMC and Bukkit communities for their foundational work in Minecraft plugin development.

Note: This project is still under construction, and more features are being actively developed. Stay tuned for updates!