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Jian Ding edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 8 revisions

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Agora is a high-performance system for massive-MIMO baseband processing. Agora uses a queue-based master-worker model. A master thread is responsible for scheduling tasks and a pool of worker threads are responsible for executing tasks. The communication between the master thread worker threads are achieved through single-producer multi-consumer or multi-producer single-consumer shared memory FIFO queues (concurrentqueue).


Flow Diagram for Baseband Processing

As shown in the figure below, Agora has a socket interface to communicate with remote radio unit (RRU) and a MAC interface to communicate with upper layer. Baseband processing blocks are implemented as Doer functions.


DoFFT does FFT of an OFDM symbol to convert data from time domain to frequency domain.

(OFDM_CA_NUM: number of subcarriers in an OFDM symbol, BS_ANT_NUM: number of base station antennas, fft_block_size: task granularity of FFT, values are given in config.cpp)

  • Data dimension: antenna-parallel
  • Number of unit tasks: number of base station antennas BS_ANT_NUM per symbol
  • Task granularity is controlled by fft_block_size
  • Input: data size: OFDM_CA_NUM, data type: 2-bytes integer (2 bytes for I and 2 bytes for Q)
    • socket_buffer
  • Output: data size: OFDM_CA_NUM, data type: complex float (4 bytes for I and 4 bytes for Q)
    • Pilot symbols: data_buffer
    • Uplink data symbols: data_buffer
    • Reciprocity calibration symbols: calib_buffer
  • Processing steps:
    • Convert 2-bytes integers to floats
    • Compute FFT
    • Only for pilot symbols, do channel estimation
    • Save results in a partial transposed data layout

DoRecip calculates the reciprocal calibration matrix.

(BS_ANT_NUM: number of base station antennas, OFDM_DATA_NUM: number of data subcarriers in an OFDM symbol, recip_block_size: task granularity of Recip, values are given in config.cpp)

  • Data dimension: subcarrier-parallel
  • Number of unit tasks: number of data subcarriers OFDM_DATA_NUM per reciprocity calibration symbol
  • Task granularity is controlled by recip_block_size (processing recip_block_size subcarriers in on function call)
  • Input: data size BS_ANT_NUM, data type: complex floats
    • calib_buffer
  • Output: data size BS_ANT_NUM, data type: complex float
    • recip_buffer
  • Processing steps:
    • Calculates the reciprocal calibration matrix

DoZF does precoder calculation to get precoder matrix from CSI matrix with Zeroforcing method.

(BS_ANT_NUM: number of base station antennas, UE_NUM: number of users, OFDM_DATA_NUM: number of data subcarriers in an OFDM symbol, zf_block_size: task granularity of ZF, values are given in config.cpp)

  • Data dimension: subcarrier-parallel
  • Number of unit tasks: number of data subcarriers OFDM_DATA_NUM per pilot symbol
  • Task granularity is controlled by zf_block_size (processing zf_block_size subcarriers in on function call)
  • Input: data type: complex floats
    • csi_buffer: data size BS_ANT_NUM x UE_NUM (stored with partial transposed layout)
    • recip_buffer: data size BS_ANT_NUM, used for reciprocal calibration to get downlink precoder matrix
  • Output: data size UE_NUM x BS_ANT_NUM, data type: complex float
    • Uplink: ul_zf_buffer
    • Downlink: dl_zf_buffer
  • Processing steps:
    • Gather data from csi_buffer which has partial transposed data layout into csi_gather_buffer for CSI matrix with continuous layout
    • Compute matrix pseudo-inverse to get uplink precoder matrix
    • If there are downlink symbols in a frame, do reciprocal calibration to get downlink precoder matrix

DoDemul does equalization and demodulation to get log-likelihood ratios (LLRs), which are the input to soft-decision decoding.

(BS_ANT_NUM: number of base station antennas, UE_NUM: number of users, OFDM_DATA_NUM: number of data subcarriers in an OFDM symbol, demul_block_size: task granularity of Demul, values are given in config.cpp)

  • Data dimension: subcarrier-parallel
  • Number of unit tasks: number of data subcarriers OFDM_DATA_NUM per uplink data symbol
  • Task granularity is controlled by demul_block_size (processing demul_block_size subcarriers in on function call)
  • Input: data type: complex float
    • data_buffer: data vector with data size: BS_ANT_NUM x 1 (stored with partial transposed layout)
    • ul_zf_buffer: precoder matrix with data size UE_NUM x BS_ANT_NUM
  • Output: data_type int8_t
    • demod_soft_buffer: LLRs vector with data size: UE_NUM x 1
  • Processing steps:
    • Gather data vector from data_buffer which has partial transposed data layout into smp_buffer with continuous layout
    • Do equalization (matrix multiplication) to get demultiplexed user data
    • Do demodulation to get LLRs, which are the input to soft-decision decoding

DoDecode does LDPC decoding.

(UE_NUM: number of users, LDPC_config.cbCodewLen: number of encoded bits in a code block, LDPC_config.cbLen: number of information bits in a code block, LDPC_config.nblocksInSymbol: number of code blocks in a symbol, values are given in config.cpp)

  • Data dimension: user-parallel, code block parallel
  • Number of unit tasks: number of code blocks UE_NUM * LDPC_config.nblocksInSymbol in a symbol
  • Task granularity is always 1 since decoding has high computational overhead
  • Input: data type: int8_t
    • demod_soft_buffer: LLR vector with LDPC_config.cbCodewLen bits (saved as int8_t bytes)
  • Output: data_type uint8_t
    • decoded_buffer: decoded information bits with size LDPC_config.cbLen
  • Processing steps:
    • Set parameters of LDPC decoding and do decoding
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