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D20 is an entropy microservice and client. As a network source of entropy, it is useful when there is little available otherwise. For example, newly cloned VM's would start with the same pool and have limited user input to draw from.

It is inspired by Pollen ( and Pollinate (, but with several key improvements:

  • Licensing issues should never get in the way of security, so D20 is licensed under MIT rather than a GPL variant.
  • Security software should not "phone home", so the client does not send any identifying information about your operating system or hardware to the server.
  • Entropy is generated in a fashion that does not require a hardware RNG or other source of entropy seeding the system pool continuously.

For an open D20 server, go to


Where do you get the entropy?

Random bytes read from /dev/urandom are used to seed an AES-256-CTR-DRBG.

Is /dev/urandom really secure? Don't you want to use /dev/random?

Yes. As long as you trust the crypto primitives you rely on the rest of the time. This is well covered here:

So why use the AES-256-CTR-DRBG?

In the unlikely event that /dev/urandom relies on a poor algorithm, this offers an additional degree of protection.

How can I trust the server?

You don't have to. The client accepts a list of servers to use. As long as at least one instance is not compromised, your pool will get seeded securely. In addition, the client contains its own security mechanisms (like hashing the server's output before adding it to the local entropy pool).

Also, run your own server! The code is free and short, so you can verify it yourself.


When the client queries the server, it includes a challenge value. The server returns the challenge response as a hash of the challenge and the ISO 8601 formatted current time, which is also returned

Time = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
ChallengeResponse = SHA512(Challenge || Time)

Although it can't prove the server gave you good entropy, it does prove that the server did some work and generated a unique response for your request. It also acts as a check that the client queried a valid D20 server.

How does generate its challenges?

It takes the SHA512 sum of the date with nanosecond precision (date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N) to make them more difficult to predict.

How does calculate how much entropy was added to the pool?

To update the number of bits in the entropy pool (/proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail), must estimate how many bits of entropy are actually in the returned sample. Since this cannot be computed exactly, it is estimated by dividing the number of returned bits by 8, and capping the result at 64 to be conservative.

How do I automate this?

You can reseed automatically once each day by adding the following to your crontab (crontab -e):

#Set MM and HH to minute and hour of your choice.
MM HH * * * /path/to/D20/D20/

The client script waits for a random period of time at the start to avoid contention on the server, even if a large number of instances are set to poll at the same time.



Requires a single argument challenge. Returns a JSON blob containing 4 keys:

  • apiVersion: a string representing the API version, so clients can ensure compatibility
  • time: the server time to the second (to prevent releasing fine-grained timing information) in ISO 8601 format (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)
  • challengeResponse: the SHA512 sum of the challenge as a lower case hexadecimal string
  • entropy: the SHA512 sum of the challenge and 128 bytes drawn from /dev/urandom

Also optionally reseeds /dev/urandom on the server with a high-precision time. This behavior is enabled with the -s (--seed) command line flag.



Seeds your local entropy pool by individually seeding from a group of D20 instances specified as arguments: ./ If no arguments are specified, is used by default.,,

These scripts will start, stop, and restart a background instance of D20 using server.conf as the configuration.


Entropy microservice (e.g. for securing new VM's)








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