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Releases: AegeusCoin/aegeus


07 Feb 11:16
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This is a mandatory upgrade - before March 1, 2019

We address a bug fix in 4.0 related to the "fake stake" vulnerability. This is not an optional update. Please join on us discord if you need any help.


22 Oct 18:00
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Required update before November 7, 2018

3.0 introduces a change in the masternode collateral requirement from 5k AEG to 50k AEG at block 383945 . This is a mandatory upgrade for both masternodes and normal wallets. Please upgrade before November 7th, 2018 to avoid any potential loss in rewards.

Please update your wallets as soon as possible

Tips for getting your new masternode online


15 Sep 13:27
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Required update before October 1, 2018

2.0.4 includes modifications to the budget consensus rules and provides additional functionality to thwart abuse. Our new wallet design is also introduced in this version.

Please update your wallets as soon as possible


29 Jul 15:24
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Required update before August 31st

2.0.3 modifies the block reward amount which will take effect at block 286315 (approximately September 1, 2018).

Please update your wallets as soon as possible


22 Jul 17:57
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This is the most current release of Aegeus

This revision includes a missing line of important code for the conversion of the seed node array in testnet as well as checkpoint data updates that were not included in 2.0.1.


22 Jul 03:25
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This release includes the addition of testnet into the Aegeus client as well as checkpoint updates. This is not a mandatory upgrade. We added testnet to continue working on our first prototype and for additional development work to begin.

Note for Linux wallets

Please use to update or install your Aegeus Linux wallet. Moving forward, we will be using this method over the prebuilt binary.


07 Jul 06:00
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This is a necessary update that must happen before block 207500, or your connection to peers on the network will be rejected. This release is in effort to unify everyone as there were several forks that occured.

You will need to download the newest release of Aegeus for your system. They are packaged with this release and you can get them by clicking the links above such as "Aegeus-2.0-Win64-Setup.exe".

Proper upgrade steps to resolve this

  1. Close your Aegeus wallet on whichever systems you're running it on. VPS included.

  2. Download bootstrap.dat.gz Here

  3. Place bootstrap.dat.gz inside of your Aegeus data directory and decompress it with your favorite software (gunzip for Linux/Mac, 7zip/winrar/winzip for Windows):

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\AEGEUS\
  • Linux: ~/.aegeus/
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/AEGEUS
  1. Remove the following from the data dir:
  • blocks
  • chainstate
  • peers.dat
  • mncache.dat
  • mnpayments.dat

Once the above has been done, start Aegeus 2.0. It will take some time to reindex - this is normal. How long depends on your system specs.


14 Jun 03:23
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This is a mandatory upgrade that must happen before July 1st

Beginning July 1, 2018 - a new reward schedule will be active:

Block reward schedule:

Blocks 2-123313: 1 AEG (0.5 AEG to the block finder, 0.5 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 123314-123699: 140 AEG (40 AEG to the block finder, 100 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 123700-131281: 1 AEG (0.5 AEG to the block finder, 0.5 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 131282-197034: 140 AEG (70 AEG to the block finder, 70 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 197035-241674: 126 AEG (63 AEG to the block finder, 63 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 241675-286314: 112 AEG (56 AEG to the block finder, 56 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 286315-329514: 98 AEG (49 AEG to the block finder, 49 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 329515-374154: 84 AEG (42 AEG to the block finder, 42 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 374155-417354: 70 AEG (35 AEG to the block finder, 35 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 417355-461994: 56 AEG (28 AEG to the block finder, 28 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 461995-506634: 42 AEG (21 AEG to the block finder, 21 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 506635-546954: 28 AEG (14 AEG to the block finder, 14 AEG to the masternode winner)

Blocks 546955+: 20 AEG (10 AEG to the block finder, 10 AEG to the masternode winner)

This release also implements a masternode cap spork which allows a limit on the number of concurrent active masternodes which can be modified based on community vote.


20 May 02:43
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This release contains bug fixes for auto-combining rewards with transactions that exceed the max size, as well as a bug that causes an "Insufficient Funds" error when combining fees. It is not required, but it is recommended.

14 May 08:08
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Latest Release - Required Update - Reward Increase

This release contains multiple updates. Starting at block 131282, the block reward will be 140 AEG (70 AEG to the block finder, 70 AEG to the masternode winner). UI updates and changes have also been made for aesthetics.