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Ads20000 edited this page Apr 24, 2013 · 2 revisions

Version 7.0.8

Slax is an extremely lightweight Linux distribution, made for USB and CD booting. Slax does not have packages when installing programs, instead certain modules are made. Each module normally has several dependencies, and they can either be moved into a folder in the Slax root folder or manually installed when using Slax. Slax is perfect for portable use, as it is less than 200mb with a default download (essential modules preinstalled). Like most portable Linux distributions, it will format your USB drive if you burn to USB. Rather than having a panel or App menu for downloading software, modules are downloaded from the Slax website, making it easy to find the exact module you need. It is for these reasons above, we give SliTaz the following ratings.

Usability: 7/10 Size: 9/10 Performance: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

Written by Dave on CodeBundle (old CodeBundle site licensed under CC-BY 3.0)