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AdGuard Home v0.97.0

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@ameshkov ameshkov released this 12 Jul 13:23

Hope you didn't get used to all these flashy look-at-all-these-new-features-and-pretty-screenshots types of releases because this time all you get is honest to God bug fixes. πŸžπŸ”¨ Well, almost: there have been a few spare [Added] tags lying around so we've found some use for them. We promise with the next release the changelog will be less like this 🐴 and more like this πŸ¦„.

  • [Added] Print DOH/DOT addresses if it's configured: #761

It is now a little bit easier to figure out how to configure your devices to use AdGuard Home as a DOH or DOT server.


  • [Added] User-friendly client names -- using arp -a command: #826
  • [Added] FreeBSD releases: #873
  • [Added] An article about regexp usage in own filters: #721
  • [Added] An option to check for updates forcibly: #815
  • [Fixed] AGH does not notify about expiring certificate until the user opens encryption settings: #851
  • [Fixed] panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference: #831
  • [Fixed] Auto-update: remove backup directory after successful update: #801
  • [Fixed] Allow URLs with IP addresses when adding a new filter subscription: #832
  • [Fixed] Race on stop when running as a service: #799
  • [Fixed] data race in dnsfilter: #807
  • [Fixed] Error while making an rDNS lookup for #838