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AdGuard Home v0.93

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@ameshkov ameshkov released this 25 Feb 16:39

πŸš† Choo-choo dear AdGuard Home users, a huge update is on the way! πŸš†

As usual, it took us more time than we anticipated, and only now we have finally decided that the features we have implemented by this moment are enough to call it a new version. By now you might've realized that we prefer major updates to minor bugfix releases.

So, what's inside?

HTTPS, DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS support out-of-the-box: #285

I can't stress enough how cool it is. DOH and DOT are both relatively new DNS encryption protocols, and there is not much software supporting them. But they have great potential, and we at AdGuard like to be at the cutting edge of technology, so here we are.

"Ok, so what's so cool about it? πŸ˜•" you might ask. Well, even a kid can now manage to set up a secure DNS server. And if you are an Android 9 user, you can configure it to use your DNS-over-TLS server without any additional software needed. On iOS, you'll need to use additional software, but there is a hope that Apple will soon follow the trend and add native DNS-over-TLS support.

Here is a guide on how to configure your AdGuard Home to be a secure DNS server:

Official Docker image: #562

You asked for it, and we are happy to deliver. Finally, there is an official AdGuard Home image on Docker Hub. New builds will be uploaded there automatically.

Important tags:

  • latest β€” πŸ‘΄ always the latest stable build of AdGuard Home.
  • edge β€” πŸ”₯ this one is for those who like to be on the bleeding edge. Always the latest build from this repository's master branch. MightWill be unstable.

Simple daemon/service registration: #490

Surprisingly, a lot of people were struggling with properly registering AdGuard Home as a service. Now it's as easy as this: sudo ./AdGuardHome -s install. That's it, done. More on this in our newly written Getting Started guide.

First-time installation wizard

Another quality-of-life improvement. When you run AdGuard Home for the first time, there is now a simple configuration wizard.

Other changes

  • [Changed] Extend the verbose logging: #531
  • [Changed] Allow DNS server to bind address other than #550
  • [Fixed] Only allow single click on buttons: #544
  • [Fixed] A couple of localization issues: #540, #536
  • [Fixed] DNSCrypt upstream does not retry over TCP when it gets a truncated response: #524