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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Current status

At the moment we're in the "functional preview" phase. It does its job but it has to be under strict supervision. The code will be updated according to findings from this phase.


This code is meant to be running inside the Kubernetes (GKE) pod as a CronJob. This solution is exclusively using Google Cloud Platform, porting to different platforms would most likely require a great slaughter.

This tools is processing Vault tokens (encrypted with KMS and saved in the GCS bucket) and renews them if needed based on the provided specification. Please note that vault-renovator uses these tokens even for the login and renewal (so there's no need of additional 'admin' token or account) so tokens should have sufficient privileges: lookup-self and renew-self. Both capabilities are covered by the default policy so most likely you don't have to pay extra attention here.

path "auth/token/lookup-self" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "auth/token/renew-self" {
  capabilities = ["update"]

Please note that vault-renovator is not trying to separate you from the all the hassle with the Vault. This tool does only one thing - it renews the specified Vault tokens based on the schedule specified in the CronJob manifest file.

Command line parameters

param Description
gcp-project ID of your GCP project, please note that ID might not be the same as name
gcp-location Location of your KMS keyring
keyring Name of the KMS keyring
key Name of the KMS key (subordinate of keyring)
bucket Name of the GCS bucket
vault-url Base url of your Vault instance
token-specs File path of the JSON file with the list of token files
slack-webhook-url (optional) Slack Webhook url for the notifications
ttl-threshold (optional) Threshold in seconds, the default value is equivalent of 5 days
ttl-increment (optional) TTL increment is seconds, the default value is equivalent of 1 day

Sample usage from the command line

go run main.go \
  --gcp-project=test-cloud-1234 \
  --gcp-location=europe-west2 \
  --keyring=keyring-name01 \
  --key=key-name01 \
  --bucket=my-gcs-bucket-name \
  --vault-url= \
  --token-specs=/tmp/specs.json \
  --slack-webhook-url= \
  --ttl-threshold=432000 \

Deploying in vault-renovator in Kubernetes environment

  1. Enable Google Cloud Key Management Service
  2. Create key ring and key in the KMS section
  3. In the GCP IAM section crate a new Service Account
  4. Generate a new key for the previously created Service Account
  5. Set proper IAM binding for the previously created SA (source)
gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_KEY_NAME} \
  --location ${GCP_KEY_RING_LOCATION} \
  --keyring ${GCP_KEY_RING_NAME} \
  --member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \
  --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter
  1. Create a new GCS bucket, set correct permissions for the previously created SA
  2. Generate your tokens from the Vault CLI
  3. Put each token in the single file
  4. Encrypt these files
gcloud kms encrypt \
  --key ${GCP_KEY_NAME} \
  --keyring ${GCP_KEY_RING_NAME} \
  --location ${GCP_KEY_RING_LOCATION} \
  --plaintext-file /tmp/plaintext-token.01.txt \
  --ciphertext-file /tmp/encrypted-token.01.bin
  1. Upload encrypted files to the previously created GCS bucket
  2. Create specification file
  "fileNames": [
  1. Create a ConfigMap from previously created JSON file
kubectl create configmap vault-renovator-config \
  1. Create a Secret from downloaded SA key
kubectl create secret generic vault-renovator-sa \
  1. Update environment variables in the examples/kubernetes/cronjob.yaml

  2. Deploy the Kubernetes manifest

kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/cronjob.yaml