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Ableton makes Live, Push and Link — unique software and hardware for music creation and performance.


  1. link link Public

    Ableton Link

    C++ 1k 144

  2. LinkKit LinkKit Public

    iOS SDK for Ableton Link, a new technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, and phase across multiple applications running on one or more devices.

    Objective-C++ 141 9

  3. push-interface push-interface Public

    The Ableton Push 2 MIDI and display interface manual.

    631 71

  4. groovylint groovylint Public

    A CodeNarc wrapper for linting Groovy files

    Python 17 9

  5. AudioPerfLab AudioPerfLab Public

    An app for exploring real-time audio performance on iPhone and iPad.

    C++ 128 6

  6. aqt-stylesheets aqt-stylesheets Public

    Apply CSS style sheets to QML applications

    C++ 213 39


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