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Abie Fund

Abie Fund was first released on March 5th, 2017 under MIT License.

We’re on Slack! Don't hesitate to join.

Welcome to Abie!

Abie Fund is a DAO that includes a voting system based on "liquid democracy". The community vote triggers a transaction to the beneficiary. We vote when a proposal is submitted or when someone asks for membership (Sybil-proof).

Use cases

  • A group of people that want to fund initiatives for one specific cause
  • A transparent common account, easy to manage and ridiculously easy to deploy and configure quickly
  • A corporate brand that would allow its customers to directly manage the funds allocated to certain objectives
  • A city hall that would give more decision power to people on one specific project
  • A group of friends trading together, voting every week to adjust their collective investment

They can all use Abie to take collective decisions and actions in an intuitive and easy way.

Implemented Features

  • Enable external donations (including anon)
  • Anyone can submit a proposal
  • The vote of the community triggers the transaction to the beneficiary
  • Any donor can request membership
  • Members have one right to vote each proposal or membership request
  • As the vote follow the rules of liquid democracy, you can choose (or become) a delegate
  • You can switch delegate or switch to direct democracy at anytime


npm install -g truffle
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle test


npm i
npm start

Get involved

You can find a presentation [Fench] and our roadmap.

All contribs are rewarded, we're backed by lucky crypto investors! ;)

Feel free to your pull request or send offers at

Next steps

  1. Deploy on mainnet
  2. Fund one first demo project
  3. Select 3 different use cases and measure performance
  4. Improve the documentation
  5. Listen to users fedbacks


IPFS and storage

We will use IPFS protocol to store projects' descriptions, reviews and photos related to each proposal.

Some useful links about IPFS: