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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 15, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Project Title

Just Go: A user-friendly, innovative web application that allows users explore local areas using geolocation to find places recommended by locals.

Project Description

 The motivation behind this project was to provide both travelers and visitors a curated, 5 stop location itinerary that allows users to explore and get to know local neighborhoods. The app's primary focus is to provide users with a manageable itinerary that can be accomplished in less than a day. When users login to the app they are presented with various routes that contain 5 stops, all within a certain radius and walking distance. Users can choose which route to take by pressing the 'Just Go' button and begin their exploration of a neighborhood. To alleviate the stress of navigating through an unknown area, the app includes three key functionalities to assist the user getting from location to location: geolocation, real-time street view, and user friendly directions . Currently, the app is specific to the Tokyo area, but with goals to expand to more locations.   


Before continuing, ensure that the latest version of node is installed: v16.13.2

Getting Started

- Install npm packages: npm install
- Clone repo: git clone
- Start frontend: npm run dev
- Start backend: npm start:dev

Test Break down:

  • backend: npm run test The test in the backend use Jest to verify that the URLs are retrieving the correct data from the database and passed to the front end.


This project uses the React and Next.js frameworks. Next.js provides various features to optomize production: hybrid & static server rendering, Typescript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more with no config needed. And for design, we incorporated the Chakra UI component library to build our React application. 
- Frontend:
    - React.js
    - Next.js
    - Chakra UI
- Server:
    - Nestjs
    - Mongoose
- Database
    - MongoDB
- Deployment
    - Frontend: Vercel
    - Backend: AWS/Heroku


The key feature of 'Just Go' is to provide the user with the ability to navigate an unknown area by: (1) accessing the users geolocation; (2) using and continuously accessing the user's geolocation to provide a real-time street view as they navigate through a neighborhood; and (3) provide the user with up-to-date directions as their geolocation changes



If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thank you.

Fork the Project
Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
Open a Pull Request


  • Brian Lee
  • Ana Scuturici
  • Wesley Lee
  • Richard Beavis
  • Roman Montoya