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The sdk is migrated from bce-sdk-js and rewrited partial codes.

  1. Browser only. Without nodejs APIs and browserify for less filesize.
  2. ESModule. For better tree-shaking.
  3. Modern JS.
  4. BosClient.putObjectFromBlob only for now.

For project based on webpack, import will load the untranspiled ES Module version. Please make sure to add the correct config to produce compatible codes.

How to use?

npm i -s bce-sdk-lite
import {BosClient} from 'bce-sdk-lite';

let client = new BosClient({
    endpoint: '',
    credentials: {ak, sk},

try {
    await client.putObjectFromBlob(bucketName, objectKey, blob);
catch(err) {
    // handle error

let url = client.generateUrl(bucketName, objectKey);

How to run the demo?

cd demo
npm i
npm run serve

You need to fulfill your own ak/sk with enviroment variables.

export BCE_AK=xxxxxx
export BCE_SK=xxxxxx
export BCE_ST=xxxxxx  # SessionToken if needed
export BOS_BUCKET=xxxxxx  # Bucket Name